
Mary Jo Dennison

Ask @maryjojojojojo

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are you mad at anyone at the moment?

not that I can think of. I don't get easily mad, plus Jesus teaches us to be slow to anger :)

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What lenses do you use? Especially for portraits! I love your photography!:)

I have my kit lens (18-55mm), but I almost always use my 50mm f/1.8. it's great for portraits.

Who is Regina, and why do these ppl keep asking you bout her????!

HAHAHA. it's sort of an inside joke that I wish didn't exist...it's not an actual person lol

regina regina regina regina regina regina regina regina regina regina regina regina regina regina regina regina regina regina regina regina regina regina regina regina regina regina regina regina regina regina regina regina regina regina regina regina regina regina regina regina regina regina regina

shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup

sometimes i feel like you dont like answering questions or that you get bored with them or answering questions youve been asked before but idk? maybe im just crazy and being too judgemental of things, and i apologize for that.

lol whaaaa?

how do you edit your photos?!?!? they're gorg! :)))

thank you so much! I use photoshop CS5, and well it depends! I almost always edit the curves, and sometimes add a texture. I like to do expansions a lot too. I also use various photoshop actions frequently. and sometimes I process in picasa as well.

Do you have a tumblr? If not, would you ever get one? I would soooo follow you on there! You're awesome, and you're my 'photographic inspiration'! :) ♥♥♥

no I do not! but awwww you are too sweet!

What's a really awkward moment that has happened to you?

a couple of weeks ago a lady I know was asking my about my granddad and I told her he was alright but he had pink eye. then she said "you know, my husband had pink eye a few weeks before he died". she's a wonderful lady trust me but right when she said that everyone just felt so uncomfortable lol like why would you say that
Liked by: Leah Diggy Baker


literally can't breathe right now
lol haven't listened to no hands in forever, but what can I say it's my jam for life

What three things do you think of most each day?

1. my relationship with Christ (which I honestly over-think instead of just focusing on Him)
2. boys
3. photography
and sports/music/food probably fit in there somewhere but ya know
Liked by: Diggy Baker

what lenses do you have? sorry for the spam of questions i just love asking people questions lol

I have the 18-55mm kit lens and also the 50mm f/1.8. I use the latter almost all the time haha. and that's alright, I like getting questions! :)
Liked by: Diggy Baker


well, I've had flickr since December of 2010, so it's been over a good amount of time. really most of it is connecting with people, adding lots of people, commenting a lot, etc. so basically being active. but of course it's also the quality of work. I'm not the best or anything but I am pretty proud of my work, and I'm really glad other people like it, too. I consider my 365 project, and other flickr photographers to be the reasons why I got where I am today. just keep practicing!!
Liked by: Diggy Baker

how did you get so many followers on instagram? any tips? and has instagram gave you any opportunities?

I really don't have that many honestly, but most people that follow me are people that know me soooo. and i mean not really, I could live without it. I have to use it on other people's phones actually lol.

do you have a job?

nope. I like to consider photography my job, but I only do client work every now and then. I also volunteer a bit at my church on wednesday nights. well I get free dinner so :D

Love your photos, your fan from Brazil!

thank you for your support! it's really great to know people are following my work around the world :)

do you enter any photography competitions? if so how do you find out about them?

I've never entered one, but I think about it all the time :P so I don't really have a good answer on that.

what camera do you have?

I have a canon rebel xs :) yes, the lowest canon DSLR, but it still gets the job done! hopefully I can upgrade within the next few years.

What was the last thing you ate?

this is a good question right now. although I'm a pretty big eater, I don't really eat much in the morning, thus I have only had a cup of coffee so far today. so the last thing I ate was....probably a cookie last night.

Do you like Lord of the Rings?

yes, yes I do. I'm not a crazed fan like a lot of people I know ahah, which is evident by the fact that I've never actually read the books and still haven't seen The Hobbit. but I quite enjoyed the other movies.

What is your pet peeve?

I don't like it when people keep licking their fingers all loud while they're eating. it's gross, just use a napkin

If you had to speak in one accent for the rest of your life, what would accent would you choose?

the one i already have. sorry for the boring as poop answer, I'd just rather not speak in a different accent. but if I had to put one on, maybe Australian...?

If could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

ah wow...I think I'd love to go somewhere in Asia. I want to see the culture but mostly eat food lol. there's so many places I'd like to go, its a tough question :P

What's your favorite color?

I'd say it's pretty close between purple and light blue. But to me, any color can be beautifu :)

How long has your longest ever phone call been?

I talked to Molly, Kristan, and Lauren til 4 in the morning once, and I don't remember when we started talking, but it was at least 5 hours lol.

Language: English