
Mary Jo Dennison

Ask @maryjojojojojo

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What is the most unexpected thing that happened to you this week?

a fourth grade boy slapped, pinched, and kicked me in the butt. and said he loved me and asked me on a date.

How would you describe your perfect sandwich?

for once y'all ask a pretty doggone good question. like I'm sitting here really contemplating this. all I'm gonna say is bacon must be involved. but dude, there's endless possibilities. I've eaten some dang good sandwiches in my lifetime. I quite like the rueben sandwich...

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How to find true love?

"Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins." 1 John 4:7-10

When you go to a movie, do you like to sit in the back, middle, or front?


What made your day today?

THIS QUESTION IS PERFECT FOR TODAY :D today was just so special in so many ways. it was graduation recognition sunday, the senior banquet, and the last life group of the year. wise words were spoken, dedications were given, memories were brought up, hugs were offered, and tears were shed. today I realized even more how grateful I am for where God has placed me and the people He has placed in my life. I'm blessed beyond belief. this senior year has been so fantastic because of God's grace.

How often do you use your brains?

*valley girl voice* whaaaeeeet? what do you like, mean even by that. i can't deal.

What's something every teen should know?

if they want to be deemed responsible, then they should act responsible.

What associations do you have with the word "circus"?

maybe the best question y'all have ever come up with...

What picture comes to your mind when you hear word "fun"?

f is for friends who do stuff together, u is for u and meeeeeeeee...

which camera do you use?

I use a Canon Rebel XS! I'm actually hoping to upgrade sometime within the next few years. Not that it isn't a good camera - I'm very thankful for it but I would definitely benefit from the quality and features of a more advanced DSLR. I'll probably buy a 60D - not sure when that will be though!

give me 5 I like you? please :(

#wow I got a question. okay, virtual high 5, buddy! I think that's what you were asking anyway. God bless

How many slices of pizza do you usually eat?

it depends on where it's from. I would say it ranges between 2 and 4. but don't think I've never done 5 or 6 in my life...

Is shopping a form of entertainment for you?

yeah, I just don't do it much. I even shop online a good bit but I never buy anything cause I guess I'm just a cheapskate hahah

What is the strongest animal?

the strongest animal is a wild mary jo. on the other hand, the weakest animal is a tamed mary jo.

If you could change one thing about Ask.fm what would it be?

you could give us a free steak every time we answered a question................

What do you do to entertain yourself?

eh. hang out with william, play guitar, play some super amazing wagon adventure, listen to music, edit pictures. or, typical for this late, just browse facebook and flickr or check ask.fm for no apparent reason.
I would say something like read my Bible but I don't do that to "entertain myself" haha

Do you treat your body like a Temple or more like an Amusement Park?

I try to treat it like a Temple since it's the Temple of the Holy Spirit but ya I fail at it a lot

What's a warning sign that you're in the presence of bad company?

Bad Company by Bad Company and/or 5FDP starts playing in the background

What does it mean when a girl smiles at a boy?

well if you're like me you actually like to smile at people when you see them

Who was the last person you met today?

you trippin if you think I meet new people everyday. #homeschooled

What do you think people think of you?

y'all really have a bad habit of repeating the question of the day................

What do you think about marriage?

well, first can I just say society's view of marriage today is distorted on so many levels? which, of course, stems from society's distorted view of "love". obviously, a man and a woman get married because they love eachother, but what is "love" anymore? for many people, it's become this thing where no matter how much you'd like to believe you love the other person, you're really loving yourself. you like the way you feel when you're around them and the way they look and the things they can offer you. you might even adore their personality but yet...do you care about them more than you care about yourself. would you die for them, I mean, really would you? honestly I think I've been guilty of this before myself. obviously I've never been married and I've never even been in a relationship, but I know that with certain people I've liked in the past, I thought too much about myself, how it would be to be with them...
now this clearly isn't everyone but it's certainly very common and one of the main reasons why marriages end. after a while they get bored of eachother. the "magic" isn't there anymore. they start fighting, and don't care enough to fight for the marriage itself.
look, marriage is a commitment. it's one of the most beautiful gifts from God. singleness is too. but if you're planning to marry/are married, think about this. who you marry MATTERS. a lot. because this is the person you're supposed to be with til death do you part. there's a reason for the vows. marriage is a picture of Christ and the church. it's a beautiful thing. well, it's supposed to be.

honestly, I believe I will be married someday and it's something I think about every single day. I pray to God that I'll be wise in choosing a husband. because I don't just want someone who will make me feel good or someone financially stable, I want someone who will truly bring me closer to God. someone who will walk along side me in my Christian walk every step of the way. someone who will partner in ministry with me, wherever that may be. I want someone who gets it...gets that the only reason we're here is to glorify God and make disciples. someone who will humble me and make me a better me, for Jesus. it makes me excited just to think about.
omg I'm seriously sorry for making Ask like my journal or something. I don't even know why I pour my heart out on here because I have like no followers, but I guess I have this hope of making a difference in someone's life? if anyone actually reads these then bless you ahah <3

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Have you ever thrown up after eating?

not on purpose.
by the way - if you do do that purposefully, please get help and don't be scared to tell anyone! it's much more dangerous than you think :( and you are beautiful :)
Liked by: Michael Richards

Who's your number one friend?

I don't have a number one friend, but I have so many close ones. Jesus is my number one friend...because He's the only one who is there every step of the day and can comfort me and give me advice in any situation. He loves me more than anyone ever could

Can you write your name on a paper and take a picture of it?

I did this a couple of years ago actually. It was to try to explain to people on flickr that my name is "Mary Jo" and not "Mary" lol


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