
Page Santa Fe

Ask @mariepagesolano

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When is the last time you told somone you love them?

five minutes ago to an adorable little girl and her sister on the beach that I played with all day. she said it first lol
Liked by: Chris Holcomb

What habit that others have annoys you most?

Idk. I'm always curious, so when I ask a lot of questions I guess..

What insects are you afraid of?

Spiders. I don't fuck with spiders. People who know me know how bad it is for me.

Are cats or dogs smarter?

Idk both have intelligent qualities about them. But to be honest I like cats more.

Soooo.... What type of girls do you like

idk. they just have to be chill, cute, make me laugh, and not crazy tbh.

Are you good at swimming?

Well, I do have a varsity letter from the Naples High swim team... So, I guess so.

Do you think people deserve a second chance?

Of course. People make mistakes but if they keep making them its time to release them back into the Single Pool.

Where is the most fun place you have ever been?

mmmmm idk? The Keys? Sea World? Busch Gardens? I just don't know..

What was your first mobile phone?

It was a flip phone called The Pebble. It was cool as shit. You could slide the front down and it opened by itself. It got washed in a washer though...

So you'd let ur friend stay on the toilet for hours with a dirty ass!?! Well, I see what you mean, I wouldn't even wipe my own moms ass and she gave birth to me!!!! I can always pay a nurse to do that and ill just be close by so they don't molest her lol cus there's sickos who do shit like that lol

exactly! Like sorry bro.. you're just gonna have to sit there or roll your self onto the floor or something ahaa
Liked by: Michael Almanzar

You're at a friends house. He's taking a dump and you hear him scream. You bust open the door and he yells "help I can't move my arms idk they're paralyzed help! They sell the antidote at a Walgreens in Miami and only at that specific store. Wipe my ass and go get it." Do you wipe and go or just go?

First I'd see if they really were paralyzed. Then I would tell him I'll be back. Sorry but you're gonna have to deal with it until I get back from the store.

Try to say «you suck dick» without laughing soooo funny try it

I didn't laugh.. Guess it's just not that funny to me.


Language: English