
Apple N.

Ask @mapples

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What makes you smile?

Babies and animals? Funny things and people? I don't know, it feels so weird to making up a list when I love my smiles to happen by surprise.

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When you're home from school what do you usually eat for dinner?

Whatever's waiting for me, because I can't cook for myself :c

What is the worst thing you have ever done to someone?

Broke their heart when I promised not to? Backstabbed them?

What bothers you the most?

"Most" but not "most frequently?" I guess my tiny, tiny place in the big, big universe.
That's why this is my cover photo.

What do you like most about living in the Philippines?

It's home! :) There are many reasons for me to feel alien here, but this is the land of my blood and my history. I connect with it. I understand it. I feel a connection to it. I would have said things like "independence" or that "There are a lot of things I can do here," but I could say those things about many other places if I moved abroad. But the above answer is what makes Philippines what it is for me.

any tips for a starting blogger?

I'm no blogging pro, but here's what I think as an avid blog reader: Good writing and good visuals are valuable. Find your favorite corner in the blogosphere, but don't be afraid to experiment. Read blogs that you want to write like, and write like the blogs you want to read. Put your heart into it, and do what makes you happy :)

Who's the "one we won't talk about, for now"? He or a she?

Ask me in a month, maybe we'll talk about it by then :)

Does Book Bench have anything in store for us next year?

It depends on who "us" is. But Book Bench will always, always have something in store for you :)

Top 5 most wonderful people in your life!

1. Ara Hamor
2. My roomies Johnet, Sonya and Ali (shut up it counts)
3. The rest of the bbs (SHUT UP IT COUNTS)
4. The penguin
5. The one we won't talk about, for now.

Anything you're not thankful for?

Problems, obviously. My low tolerance for stress, my tendencies towards anxiety and pessimism. My fickle heart. My lack of motivation or commitment. My holes, inconsistencies and incompleteness.

What's your favorite book? :)

Oh lord this question. I have more than one! But let's place "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" at the top for now.

What are you thankful for?

People who love me. Chances at happiness. Comfort. All the factors that enable me to get a cafe mocha at my whim, such as finances, independence, convenient condo location, etc.

If you could be invisible for a day, what would your do?

a. Go to "dangerous" places and take photos
b. Listen to what some very carefully selected people say about me

What is the worst gift you have ever received?

I hope the gifter never hears about this post but uhm
A book about prayer as healing, in a time of cancer. I mean really what were you thinking why would you give me that :|
Liked by: Veronica Gonzales

If you could name a star in the galaxy what would you name it?

The word just came to mind, I don't think I'd actually call it that.

Name three things you have never done, but would like to do?

1. Design a website
2. Write a book
3. Learn an instrument

If you had 24 hours to spend anyway you wanted, and money wasn't a concern, what would you do?

Non-profit volunteer work, most likely. Something with maximum impact for the good.
Liked by: Veronica Gonzales

What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?

Human equality pls, with rights to everything including autonomy, medicine, protection and welfare

What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Anything with strong chocolate. Magnum Chocolate Truffle, Picket Fence Rocky Chunky Choco, Baskin Robbins Chocolate Mousse Royale, Cold Stone Chocolate Devotion, most generic rocky roads

What made you happy today?

I saw two crushes and small-talked with two former crushes. Haha. Tiny kiligs just for the thrill of it.

If you could perfectly speak any 3 languages what would it be?

(assuming English is a given or a nonnegotiable) Filipino, French, and Arabic.


Language: English