
Mikayla LoveRideLaugh

Ask @LoveRideLaugh

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what makes your horse so special?

um well this is the horse I came across and fell in love with that was left out in the field alone because nobody knew what to do with her and she was too much for them...

what relationship do you have with your horse?

I've only had her two months and I trust her so much.
She may not be a world class jumper pony, or a champion barrel pony,
but she is MY pony.
The one I can go to when I can just jump on her tackless and go for a gallop in a field
when I'm feeling down. She is like my sibling, my best friend and most importantly my
soul mate. She turns to me when in doubt, and I do the same to her.♥
Liked by: nica

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Would you ever marry a horse?

woah...weird question...im dying of laughter. I wouldn't marry a horse....but I have a pretty good (friendly) relationship with my horse xD

If you had to evacuate your house immediately, what is the one thing you would grab on the way out?

camera and my puppeh.

Which gives you the most pleasure - giving presents or receiving them?

I love to give because the gift of giving is one of the best gifts of all ;)
Liked by: Megan Queen


Language: English