
Mikayla LoveRideLaugh

Ask @LoveRideLaugh

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What is the most important thing you have learned in life?

Trust and bonding with my horses. THEY are my shoulder to cry on, who I can hug without making them moan or hurt them. All horsey people understand and realize this. I talk to my horses and I ain't gonna lie. They are usually what cares about me most when I'm desperate just for love. I trust them and love them with all my heart..even if I died doing what I loved (riding my horse) I would still live them. So think again before you say riding isn't a sport..it's in the Olympics right?!
And horses aren't robots and I absolutely HATE it when people moan about a horse at a fair almost bucking a child off..THEY LIVE AND BREATHE LIKE US! I hope y'all understand so think again when you see your horse. Talk with em. Get to know them more like the back of your hand. :)x

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If you had three wishes, what would they be?

-Canon T2i DSLR
-Huge horse ranch to live on
-to be a successful rider on my horses...or at least to have more amazing bonds with them!

you should make a video of your inspiration

I should! :) but my computer hates me and so my Sony vegas doesn't work as well but I hope to sooner or later!!

If you could be invisible for one hour, where would you go and what you would you do?

scare ppl to death AHAHA

Where would you like to live?

anywhere with lots of land to keep my horses...oh and it must have internet :B


Language: English