
Lanie Lou

Ask @lanielou

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Yes I do love you. Do you love me?

If you're one of my followers on tumblr then yes I love my followers :)

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What's the biggest lie your parents told you growing up?

That if you swallow a watermelon seed, a watermelon will grow inside of you.

do you know any good bts tumblrs?

I don't follow a lot lol the only two I follow are Bangtan and Jung-koook

what's the weirdest thing that ever happened to you?

I can't remember ;; it's really hard to just think of something like that lol I'm sure I have had weird things happen to me but I have no idea what's the weirdest

if you could be someone for a day, who would you be?

A celeb lol I think it'll be fun for just a day but I wouldn't wanna be a full time celeb

weirdest thing you've ever seen?

Those japanese commercial GIFs floating around the Internet. Japan has some weird stuff I must say LOOL
Liked by: Charles

are there many asian people at your school?

There is a fair amount? Lol but it's not one of those asian flooded schools

do many people speak french where you live or is that just in certain cities like quebec

There isn't a lot who speak French here. I mean teachers speak French to teach and maybe government officials or workers but yeah majority is in Quebec

do you have a dress code at your school? if so, what is it like and is it strictly enforced?

Not at all lol I'm sure we have one but it's not even strict cuz I see ppl wearing all kinds of clothing

ever thought about going to uni in a different country?

Maybe after my undergrad. Parents want me to stay in Canada or close to home for my first 4 years

would you ever cut your hair reaaaaallllly short?

I had a guys hair cut when I was small lol but yeah never gonna go back to that. The shortest I'm willing to cut is a bob which I might want to get in uni or something

how often do you wear makeup and what do you usually wear?

Uh often LOL but it's just mascara or eyeliner or both and maybe like bb cream if I feel like it and lip balm/gloss

favourite flavour of ice cream?

So manyyyy LOL it depends on what I crave :) but I really like green tea and mint chocolate chip and cookie dough

what happened to your last relationship?

Uhm well I was stressed with school and I felt like I was better off on my own rather than being in a relationship.. It was just a little too much :/

thoughts on plastic surgery? would you get it?

Uhm I have nothing against it so like if ppl want to get it, it doesn't bother me or anything cuz it's their choice but I personally wouldn't get it

what are some things on your bucket list?

Idk I never made a legit one but some of the things I want to do is go on a road trip or travel with my friends, go to a concert, live by a beach, own a pet, live on my own and maybe other things but that's all I can think of rn

least talented member of bts?

Awkward jinnnn <3 but he has a nice singing voice and he's so cute so it's okay :)

when he lifts that shirt omg lol what would you do if you found out that taehyun was a girl?

I wouldn't be surprised LOL

what would your dream date with jungkook be like?

LOOOL idk anything really haha it would be just awesome enough to spend time with him hahahah (cough cough especially since he's my age)


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