
Lanie Lou

Ask @lanielou

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What do you look for in a guy, and in a girl

QQ OMG I've answered this so many times now lolol I'm too lazy to type it out again

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Top five people that you wanted to talk to but didn't at school this year?

There's a lot of people that I want to talk to but I either get lazy or I'm just not as outgoing as I use to be :/ lol

Yeah. I guess I'm relaxing too :3 Well kind of.... ~ how so mmm :o?

Doing volunteering for two weeks and then traveling for a month :)

I need to get work soon ._. I feel so bad because you have the same story. I feel like I'm using up my summer despite it just starting

LOL I'm like pretty much just relaxing these days cuz in like a week or so, it's gonna start to get busier ^^

I used to think that, but its been so long and nothings changed

Good things happen to those who wait :)

Does having average marks ( 60-70 not 80 doe ) mean I'm stupid compared to other people with 80s?

Noo! It doesn't mean that your more stupid. It may be just that you might not have tried as hard as those people :3 just put in your best effort and stick with it, I'm sure you will be just as smart ^^

Why do I even try anymore, life never works out anyways

It might not work out right this moment, but it will work out later on so hang in there :) life isn't butter, it won't be smooth like you expect it to be.
Stay strong!

oh so you believe in it?

Well not that I believe in it, but it's a bullying tactic that does exist... So it's kinda the reality.
I think it's wrong and should be stopped

Do you think there is such thing as "slut shaming" or "fat shaming"

Well it's a bad thing but people still do it I'm sure :/


Lol it's summer and I have nothing to do tomorrow anyways

How many diplomas you gonna write next year I have to write 2 QQ

I think I have only math 30 to write :3

You're already taking grd 12 courses. Dang.....How do you gain intelligence ._.?

LOL well bio 20 and bio 35 are kinda like together so if you take bio 20, you have to take the 35 course along with it :3

Why didn't you take physics :o?

LOL because I'm not taking summer school and our school only can fit two out of the three sciences so I had to drop one and I chose to drop physics

oh I feel bad for the one teacher who's leaving on his first year :(

LOLOLOL I do but at the same time I don't hahaha

I'm not sure if it's Ainlay being horrible or what lol. next year is only gonna be worse because of the budget cuts. my math teacher said that she heard it's gonna be the hardest year of their teaching career :/

Oh man those budget cuts LOL yah 6 of our teachers are leaving because of that I think

Wai u so smart and popular and perfect..

LOL I'm not perfect hahaha am Im not smart and nor am I popular LOLOLOL

I don't understand why people get upset over a 70 ._.

Maybe because they know they can do better :/


Language: English