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Ask @Krishnaprasad03

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what have you always wanted? did you ever get it?

sameen188’s Profile PhotoSameen Naseer
I've walked;
Along the dead monsters,
Around the mortal gods
And their goddesses,
Through the yellow woods, and
Twice the distance of mighty seas,
Towards the eternal taste of 'wish',
Yet the answer I seek remains a secret, unspoken to my ear!
If there's ever something you want, you simply need to invent the need.
Wanting is like watering a plant,
While needing is a thirst; no matter what you find it at the end!.
Hope you found your answer to the question?.😉


arfaabangash’s Profile PhotoARFAA BANGASH ♛
The horizon yesterday was glittering brighter than that of today,
The dark demons crawled above and hid the sun from lightening the azure,
Never the light was greater than the dark and thus never could outsmart the shadows!!
But then a twinkling star, lit the black sky;
forthwith the silent scary night turned to a dance hall in gay!!

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PoorviReddy’s Profile PhotoPoorviii
Views?. seriously?
Bro, you know that i love you...right?!
i wrote a poem on your life during NaPoWriMo remember? i use my pen only to write on precious things and people.! you're one such person in my life and now that you're vanished I'm angry on you *.*
Hehhe...I know you're worried too, just give me some time and i'd set everything right, as normal as earlier. we don't speak a lot these days, i know! Cuz` i don't really like to face hardships with people beside me, i like it all alone.
Remember that i too miss you, and hold a little, i'll be there ;) Love you loads TC :*

Like=Views. @

look who's here? the child artist :O
finally busy damsel seeks views!
well, we don't talk much. All i remember of you is your b'day, the proposal and every tiny spec of it and the post on my blog describing your day!
you're sweet in fact, and of course gorgeous for words. we need to talk more often and more and...yea, MoRe!..;)

What's a common misconception people have about you? :)

AmmarJaved’s Profile Photo♥ Ammar ♥
Its in that part of world, that makes a living untrue. dead cells and rotten thoughts, form doubts and then rusts the trust. misconception is a concept of misguidance. miss guidance is a path misled, a way unpaved.
misconception is a pause that's never resumed!.
and the common misconception, most of the people have on me, is my appearance. trust me am not that happy person, that my smiles portrait. I'm different.

Beautiful words ❤

jiya5’s Profile PhotoJiya Mughal.
I came across a charming damsel,
Jaw dropped to the floor below in daze!
Not a nubile, but a charismatic prayer she was,
A beauty that could have devotees, she has!
wiping lies those ripen eyes,
made me verse words in her praise.!
In her eyes, I see the colors of a vibrant sky, the very hue of life. I see a spiral sun spinning and burning, in them eyes. The looks of otherness, unique and archaic!
Her eyes were so full of life, by her guise in a maze I feel and with a gaze of her eyes my sight dazzle.!
even the stars appraise the spark in her eyes, the sun within her face; is love in disguise. The tears that swoon are the rivers in hoon. I got so very lost in a ocean so blue, that glued eternal glow to her glare. Never knew there exists green flowers until I saw the bunch of petals bloom green her lens, her so called eyes.!
Her moon lit eyes taste julep a ravishing sight, her eyes are a mix race of emerald sapphire puddle. The only world I care at the instance is the color painted inside her eyelids, the blue sunset wherever sleeps and the harsh dawn of green!
so soft like those of spotted doe. Them eyes, so tender that brings my heart to saccharine surrender, rendered, with care and affection in wonder, I feel defeated. completed and trounced, lost my confidence, as for once i saw the poet in your eyes, I realized, that with a glimpse you would restore the long lost poetry to rise.
Dedicated to the poem herself @diya1210 most beautiful leman I ever witnessed!.
Hahha #Stay_smiling *Gives a little wink*😉

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Beautiful words

Write something cute for him Please

He wasn't a manly man that every mother bred,
He wasn't appealing and never appalling,
But he too could write the rare roads right,
He belonged to that species of blue eyes,
Like little sharp rays of sun in rain,
were his tears in vain,
cheeks with grin and chin, with dent,
Messy hair, mighty laugh, Sheeny lips and vibrant teeth,
Saccharine voice with slushy heart,
Was willfully a fool; a doll to the girls that plated his hair in two,
With mere fatherly anger and more motherly love he was,
Too cute to be a guy, he was!
Dedicated to all the cute guys unlike the hot ones😉 vokey now untick!?😁

Would it be better to let go of someone you love so much just for them to be happy?

let it even be for their own good, just don't leave.!
I've been running all my life finding a pace unset. a fate undesigned.
I've left different people at different stages with different reasons.
and lately someone had left me, for some reason unknown, unrevealed. that makes me realize my mistakes.
I've been cutting loose from everyone and now i know, I've hurt them. i don't know, if i can bare the blame so,!
i take responsibility for my mistakes. probably time to pay. I'm getting back to every single person I've left unfinished.
i may miss few on my list, but I'll try my best to chain back everybody. and no plans to currently escape from anyone anymore.
I'm going to stay put through everything, no matter if the other person stays up for me or not.
I'll be in the shadows and shades rising through the sun setting into the seas. unfaded, I'll remain.
and i like apologize to everyone i left incomplete.
@saumyaaswamyy @GeetikaChawla01 @PoorviReddy @revvhead @Saasha_44 #Riya #mounish #anvisha #vineela #kaushik #manish #deepika #narsimha #saumya #neha #sureshma #naresh #krishna #tejaswini #shrawani #shresta #and_the_list_goes_on!
i may not fix you entirely, but I'd try my best. I'll pick every broken piece; shattered, and take it back to where it belongs.!

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Likers get - we should talk may be💞👯

shweni’s Profile Photo_yourworstnightmare_
unlike the shades of grey there lay new hope; colorful and elegant!
from in between the stars and the moon is a vivid flow of glee, and in the dark lines glows heinousness! in gust swirls away the grief and blithe spurted over the vibrant azure.
unlike the shades of gray there lay new hope; blissful and bright!
The night crawled down, and the sun rose above. the trees climbed the sky flowering flames and dazzling smiles. the Lords aligned and demons vanquished, but there the still remain roads astride towards lust greed and eternity or forwards love, gratification and end!
unlike the shades of grey there lay new hope; transparent and dark!
which would you choose? the path with flowers and endowment? or the one with thorns and eternal? the human race stood unanswered and at that instance, the deaf-sights verbalized 'A happy endowment in her arms'!.!
unlike the shades of grey there lay new hope visible in her eyes; colorful and elegant! #Nova😘

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confess something!!!

Xaidi880’s Profile PhotoSyed Azfar Zaidi✨
A charade confession to inimitable times.
Chagrin at my changes, that maintain not a medley of melody with meaningful memories or musky memoir but distilled drops of hater on self within.
if only my contrite can convey you the tears that drowned my eyes with you in mind, would my soul weigh lesser than a mountain climbing the azure.
I'am unstable, flowing like the split ends of your thick hair.
I'am traitorous, at the last moments i shift my choices.
I'am malign, marking a revenge for every word you berate on me.
I'am lamentable, i drink the smallest of light like the night.
Befriend me not, i cheat.
Love me not, i use.
Trust me not, I break.
hold me not, i hurt.
I avow to the question that arose, i concede to all the illicit voices screaming in the dark, Am bad, i pray my lord Lucifer, instead your light.
But to the purest souls out there, I have a little confession.
Skip my chapters in your life not, because am the best if you're the soul seeking an amity with love and loyalty.
I confessed more for the bad and less for the good, cuz' the previous good deeds of mine said that there's no need to use many words where they speak. :O #stay_smiling
-Known stranger

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