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Describe a perfect night out!

A night escaped out of all the evil cries and rusted drops of blood,
A night where humanity shines and writes a new history into mankind,
A night when "freedom" is no longer just a word used by poets and dictionaries,
A night where my sister could walk the street all by herself with no regrets,
A night when we brother sit home and know they're safe no matter how dark it gets,
A night where every women proudly says men are no more animals,and
A night where every man accepts women to be equal in every endeavor,
A night where she breaths her smiles rather sighing her distress.! *-*!
Damn... preparing for my speech and I think this will do?. :O

Happiness is ... ? ✌

ShaheryarKhan377’s Profile PhotoShaheryar
At night; long after the sun goes down,
when the world's tired and gets done,
his mobile's screen get's back on,
and the tear drops swirls once again,
and the words get caught in his mind,
throat chocking with a wild cry undried,
he answers only to say the good news "I'm a dad"
and that his daughter weighs 7.5 pounds,
then his tears weep and yowl for his passed away wife.!
Few tears are really worthwhile.! And am surprised that I knew not this until today. *-*!

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Share your best thoughts😺

mhuzaifabutt’s Profile PhotoMuhammad Huzaifa Butt
You're a burn turned to mark,
You're a note written in the dark,
You're a pain grumbled in silence,
You're a fight won with no audience,
You're a sad song sung every night,
You're a pen forced to write.
.You're the wine on new year's night,
You're the foot walking the right,
You're the lamp left to put out,
you're the blaze let to wet,
Yet, you're the fire flaming loud,
and you're the greatest of all the laud.
You still are the exceptional you were,
You're the peerless you always were,
You're the hidden impetus in growth,
You're the girl who knows not her worth!
never weigh yourself less, you're never the loss, you're never the hiss, you're a voice with a million echoes, you're the perfect yield to the correct eyes when comes time!. For you, are special! #stay_blessed #stay_smiling Dedicated to http://ask.fm/Juggun_Arouj alone.! 😊

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And then he forgot it all, he forgot my warmth...
We used to roll together on our beds,
hear our songs through the same ear-buds,
We used to know each other the best,
breath for hours in whispering thirst,
And then he forgot it all, he forgot my warmth...
We used to be scared of the demons in dark together,
as he hugs and crumples me; suffocatingly stronger,
We were never seen adorable to the world's eyes,
yet everyday, he'd wake not, until I smiled to the sunrise,
And then he forgot it all, he forgot my warmth...
We shushed our laughter into silent smiles together,
pretending to be sleeping; all night we natter,
We built many sham dreams together,
presuming and purporting our act in wonder,
And one day all of a sudden,
I was packed and thrown off board,
No more secrets of him in silence i behold,
like left alone inside a dark wardrobe,
Now he wants me back into his life,
just to use and throw me back again,
Now he wraps me all over his physique,
just so that i keep him safe from the cold night.!
Just because of the snowy winter's call,
The long night's freezing voice reminds him of my heat,
And that, I'm his favorite blanket since nine,
And that, I'm the one to help him from dying,
But one day the winter will pass of again,
And then he'll forget it all, he'll forget my warmth...
Once again; leaving me to dark.!

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Which song best represents your life so far?

ghalia_sheikh’s Profile Photoغالیہ
Actually there's nothing, but then i wrote one for my own long ago.
My windows are open for the rain tonight.
To take away few free verses of pain left inside me, unvoiced ,
Am writing my last song to the first chapter, that ever mattered my life.
running towards stability, running to find an escape,
and for tomorrow i may die, the yesterday i write.
as for now you shackled my existence,
to the air i breath and the melodies i make.
like the starlit azure am just stitching the pieces
of my shattered heart together here today.
---Singing to my insipid soul---
when i was drowned deep down into the dark details of my life,
Glinted a light from your sight that sketched every facet of mine,
You spluttered fluency, and stammered your pristine glances over me.
Every memory i remember, is now full of trying to get over,
Failure`s never my guest but own,
thus now an epistle to you i write.
Hey love,
If you feel the warmth within the winter zephyr,
i come with a breeze of believe,
crossing over the rivers of relief,
from the grave beds of my grief,
I`m no normal guy,
I probably am a glimpse of glittering glory now,
Cuz` after i began peeling i fell asunder but stood staunch.
---Singing to my insipid soul---
when i was drowned deep down into the dark details of my life,
Glinted a light from your sight that sketched every facet of mine,
You spluttered fluency, and stammered your pristine glances over me.
Am back here again so let my soul combine,
or leave me shattered here on the ground,
but before you go let me function better, just as before,
and place shroud of mirthful haze on my mettle,
and wave me a good bye baby...!
---Singing to my insipid soul---
when i was drowned deep down into the dark details of my life,
Glinted a light from your sight that sketched every facet of mine,
You spluttered fluency, and stammered your pristine glances over me.
I felt the cure in you, no long you left me temporarily healed, and forever broken,
Am forever forlorn inking my thoughts on this crumpled bits of paper left.
---Singing to my insipid soul---
when i was drowned deep down into the dark details of my life,
Glinted a light from your sight that sketched every facet of mine,
You spluttered fluency, and stammered your pristine glances over me
. i know it sucks, you say it, and ill kill you!
And... Ahh unfortunately i never got to sing it, because my voice sucks and so i remain useless and stuff.! Alright, now i can't help it, so just fuck it! ugh sorry, am just in a shitty dumb ass bad mood right now and this sucks. actually fucks. umm if you know what i mean!.

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Write a story 😄

Frost bites me; ashes left behind
Agony and obscenity.
Nothing's left just this misery.
It burns everyday; the soul that I have.
When it sees me drifts away;
With sadness a poison and lust a ghost,
With my heart beats' a threat
Its ominous kind roars; I feel it slow;
I collide with it softly
And scatter wildly into the fields of naught!
-Fatmah Waheed
The frozen bites in your head are those of your past;
That burnt your heart and behind are the ashes left,
Along the anger and depravity in naught other then the misery,
It burns your soul everyday unlit,
And when you meet it drifts away,
With sadness a poison and lust a ghost,
And with your heart's beat a threat,
You feel it slow; it's ominous kind roar,
Then collide with it squidgy,
And scatter wildly into the fields of zilch!
A story so close, a story so own, and a story so raw?. i do understand, the words you bleed from the lungs you breath. I do understand, the something turning into everything and then the nothing! I do understand, the ashes you burn, and the icy frozen soul! Hahha Now keep this a secret! *-*

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The way you weave words into magic is magical!

Ripping and dripping out of my veins,
Sipping and jumping out in the rain,
Smiling and swirling, moving and dancing, just sliding and gliding;
everything in wit within by brain,
exuberance for the long awaited compliment,
"WOW" it feels, yet the heart remains unsatisfied, complicated.!
a masked face?. seriously? even for a compliment?. Hahha! BTW thank you very much, means a lot to me ;')

gıvıng back somethıng only when u have enough ıs ıt really GIVING BACK??

miffyy____’s Profile PhotoTASHA
I remember the days;
When all of a sudden there was no home,
When there were no relatives that came to rescue,
When no friend was really kind enough,
When the days were spent empty stomach,
And when nights were cold on streets,
Then finally, my mother came back,
She took all the pain and shielded us once again.
After all the tough time, once again a new home,
My mother still had heart for the relatives,
Then started feasts every day, full of stomach until pain,
She shared her riches and invited everyone that was seeking help,
And one day in the kitchen I asked her; why she was giving away everything?
And she answered, "I don't want any other children to suffer like mine"
And then I said "we don't have enough yet"
Her reply still rings in my head "You know why you've suffered so much lately? Because you were only asking for enough, but weren't giving enough"
"I had nothing" I said
"well, now I have something" and since then I never stopped her or stop myself, I gave, I’m giving, and will always keep giving, not if I have enough, but because I know exactly how it feels to not have enough... in fact nothing.!

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no no.! single's k life pr deep thought .!

Receiving wishes on a pleasant evening,
then the realization excruciating,
that another new valentine to be passed in vain,
tears don't swirl though in pain; instead
A happy heart returns the favor,
gathering all due bliss together,
for a friend in self rapture,
though, has not a part as their share!
Dwindling to bed and crumbling below a blanket,
recur the memories of the lonely soul since yore,
the long lonely walks and the fatal fight,
with self for love since forever,
a hope glitters; as soon the eyes close,
a smile lightens within, and within the dark it glows,
a new mate speaks up and walks towards,
from the lost lands; from a world called dreams,
A series of thoughts from a better tomorrow,
of love and romance waning the sorrow,
silent laugher for the tiny pecks and hugs,
calming heart arousing hopes with promising words,
Begins another course of assumptive perception,
like every other day, another untrue conclusion,
an happy ending, that ends not outside the brain,
waking up to the reality; tears now climb down the eyes in pain,
Frozen once again lost in a deeper strain,
"A single" that's what everybody sees,
but there has always been a world hidden,
from those of the judging surmising lies,
Because a happy soul surely exists inside the crying noise,
and a yowling heart too surely exists inside the smiling face!
Be happy if you’re in a relation, and be happier if you’re not,
For there’s always a lone land; to gift us pleasure in lot!
Single to Single...just a favor as asked..! :P I don't know who you're going to send this, but do mention credits :P Lol just kidding....no not at all kidding am serious :XD! www.anoldstranger.wordpress.com

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What?love is life?i don't know?

Love ain't life,
Love is pain,
A pain willingly bore,
A pain wantingly sweet, yet bitter,
A bitter touch of life, yet saccharine,
The love visible in a mother's eyes bearing the maternity pain,
The love visible in a father's eyes working nightshifts,
The love visible in a sibling's easy sacrifice for a little smile.
The love in a friend's hand helping out of trouble,
Love ain't life , love is a soul,
Love is a soul that keeps your life alive.!


Language: English