

Ask @JustineG94

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Do you care what other people think of you?

not at all. obviously i care about my family and friends opinions, but i wouldn't change for anyone but myself.

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What is your favorite music band?

Right now probably A Day To Remember. Also recently I've been really into Slipknot. And Linkin Park.

Would you prefer a party with a few friends or lots of friends?

lots. More shit happens, more alcohol and stuff and it's usually more memorable.

What is the most important thing in a relationship?

Mutual satisfaction and happiness. When things just work no matter what.

What is the best thing that has ever happened to you?

I don't think there's ever been one significant event, I'm mostly grateful for everyone I've met and befriended so far. It's more a collection of little things along the way. :)

Would you kill to save a life?

It'd really depend on the circumstances. I more likely would if it was a close friend or family member or a small child. But then again even if it was a stranger I'd have to judge who should live and die which is obviously never a good position to be in. Haha, I really don't know...

What do women talk about when there are no men around?

sex, men, food, general women's stuff, people, average conversations...


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