

Ask @JojoBarrientos

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Here's an awesome question Jojo. Out of the two FOOD or SEX if you had to give up one for an entire year, which one would you give up and why? and you most definitely you ave to choose 1.

Sex hands down. I don't need it and sex can be shit sometimes. I'd die without food well i think anyone would lol

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Hey Jojo i'm looking for some white sluts. Do you knw where i can find some white sluts?

It's called Essex

You like 'interestingly long questions' give me an interestingly long answer. Explain whats happened in the past 10 years of your life. xxxxx

10!? May take a while. 10 years ago well.. I was 13, still in school. Was probably the hardest part of my life getting all my GCSE's and there was a lot of pressure as there is today, too. When I turned 16 I had a big birthday party and celebrated my GCSE passes a few months later with some friends.. was dating a boy called Kyle for two 4 years, up until I was 18 where he sadly passed away in a car accident. After that nothing really happened. I got a job and moved on, still living with my parents. In 2007-8 I made a myspace and started to Social Network a lot more than I did from when I was like 15. In 2009 I started facebook and had literally 100 friends and my profile started to grow from there as I got more addicted to it and i met some crazy people as well as adding some twats from school who I still have but don't talk to at all as times move on. In 2010 I went to Liverpool, Australia on holiday with a few friends who lived near me at the time. I met a boy called Matt Davies who also lived near me in the UK, fate right? He flew back a week before me though so we only met up a few times. When I got home we met up, he lived like 2 hours away from me which was shit but we still did it. Started dating and bam. 2 years later I was pregnant with Mia and on February 16th I had her :) She was so petite and beautiful and 1 week premature. Luckily, everything was fine and 28 hours later I came home. Shortly after this I got my papers through to move to Sydney as we'd been planning a few months in advance. I then moved to Australia on the 15th/16th of June. And i'm here with my mum, dad, gorgeous fiance, daughter and friends who are literally seconds away. I couldnt ask for anything better. I just wish I could see my other friends back home. Happy with my answer? Woah. Good night ask xo

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Liked by: Cescaaaaaaa

I guarantee you in a few years Horse meat will be on the menu and then you'll all be hearing abt Horses for Courses.



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