

Ask @JojoBarrientos

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Its ok jo I love ya no matter how far you are we will always be tight your my longest fb friend been there since you made my favorite crazy music videos..lol

michael barretto
OMG HAHAHA! yes! love ya x

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Pfft. You said oral over anal any time but now you admit you've had it twice in your butt. What's up with that?

And I stick to my word, twice is nothing

I want a five hundred thousand word essay on why circles are circular and not square. Go! :)

they are circular because circles are circularly circlidifying circled in the cirline of the circlepop circla of poo.

Jojo I'm happy your happy there but now its almost impossible to ever hang out you are way out there :(


7 , good ;) i thought u r gonna say something like 15+ :D

15+ times obviously but nope, only 7 guys. Very long lasting relationships. :)
Liked by: Jemma Taylor

One of my friends drives a Range Rover. All the car you'll ever need. And you'll look cooler in that than other people do in sports cars.


don't want to message you. I like it better when you don't know that it is me :)

But it would be really nice if you did :) Pleasee

If you had to rearrange the letters in your name and then live with that name for the rest of your life, would you rather be known as Ojoj or Jooj?

Jooj lol


Language: English