

Ask @haloselm

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Iyaaaa kaa!

Qm aneh2 bgt sist.... Coba dengerin soundtracknya frozen yg "let it go"
HAHAHAHA gakdeng ga membantu ya Dx
Gapernah kaya gitu... & im not an expert tp kayaknya......... sapa aja kalo msh available mungkin doi msh suka km jugs kan who knows?? Plz jgn tanya relationship advice ke gw x_x

Yang satu nyaa

Bntr2 q gangerti. Jadi km suka sm orang, tp pas orgnya udh suka balik sm kamu, kamunya udh gamau? Trus skg suka lagi kamunya? Gt?

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Pernah suka sama orang terus orangnya ga sadar ga kak? Terus pas dia balik suka kakak udh ga mau lagi? Aku pernah gt kak trs skrg aku suka lagi dan nyesel haha :(

Kamu yang mananya? Yg telat suka atau yg satu nya

Pernah ada cinta yg hampir didapat tapi ga jadi ga kak? Kalo ada alesannya apaa?

Ada nih. Alesannya krn dia ga nangkep kode HAHAHAHA ini terjadi semalam :(

we don't really close in real life, we're just an awkward acquaintance, but oh girl I hear you, thank you for makes me feel that I'm not the only person who felt so numb that i don't know what to do. Your words speaks for me too, even in my case is not as extreme as yours, but thank you.

Best feeling ever is when i know that i can at least make you feel better in a way, through my messed up writings. Good luck for us! For the brighter days ahead in 2014!
It might be selfish but knowing that people out there are going through the same rough patches as you actually help you to feel a little bit better. stay strong bby xx

i really liked how your story started buttt didn't quite like the way it went, especially dean's pov :| u made his perspective looked different from the way the boy should havee, like it was not supposed to, so some part went out of places. but I DO REALLY REALLY like the opening hihi good job! -sz

Ahahahah i know what you mean. I purposely made it that way actually. Because not all boys are tough and all, some of them are melancholic too. And i personally dont like melancholics people, but i want to write something that is the opposite of me, if you know what i mean? And how did it go out of places? I dont really get it, hehehe.
Thank you so much anyway for your feed backs, really appreciate it. Im working on something hopefully better than this one! Xx

Samaa aku jugaa kak... It hurts hehe bener :') kelas brpp kakk ilangnya? Aku kelass 8 gituu smp trs sedih bgtt, kalo kakaak?

Kok bs ilang? What happened? Haha hem kapan ya? Gatau, tbtb udah ngga ada aja.. Kayak baju baru beli dicuci2 terus sampe tbtb suatu hari baru sadar kok udah lusuh aja? Lol. Gradually disappearing from someones life<- ngequote anon kmrn ya haha :"(

How do you get your lost contacted close friends back?

Im not sure if its a random question or not..? Because this suddenly pops up. But bcs it relates to the previous question i just answered, here we go.
Im not sure really. Im actually a socially awkward person to those who arent really close to me.. But i become really crazy once you know me well. Do you get me? But you know, if you guys once were close there must be some connection between you two. And the reason you two separated is probably because you both go to different class or group of friends or different school or something happened along the way. Tp kalo emg dulu pernah deket, i guess just greet them and try to talk to them and the string that once connected you guys will come out again slowly. It wont be an instant process, but if you really want to have what you used to have then go for it :) good luck to you, sorry if its not helping though :" i tend to just let it go sometimes, even if i missed them, because as i mentioned before, i kind of an awkward person. Dont follow my footsteps though, it hurtsss. :)

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musuhan ya gaikut reuni

seru ga? GUE HIBERNASI gamau liat path bodo amat win :) kapan balik ke spore, ketemuan dolo dong

Sekolah di labsky asik gaa?

jujur nih? hahaha asik kok overall. yg bikin asik temen2nya sih, masih gila meskipun udh SMA. bisa jd diri sendiri, dan true friends yg ga two face & ada thru thick n thin. acara2 nya yg super byk mulai dari TO sampe di kopassus seminggu, itu yolo bgt dan kalopun sekolah lain ada acara kayak gini, trust me, beda tingkat seru & kerasnya labs. terus skybat sampe skyave etc. kalo soal pelajaran sih output nya emg bagus krn anak2nya asli pinter dan mau berusaha, kl pengolahan dlm pengajaran dll: ketawa aja deh hahahaha. :')


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buat anon yg ngga gw jawab gw gatau ya lo wasted atau apa tapi kl ngomong dipikir pake otak ya jgn pake kentut. ga bermoral bgt, gapunya perasaan dan ga menghormati sesama manusia. there are certain boundaries you cant cross, and you already crossed the line. way too far. apalg kl lo kenal gw, keji bgt lol faggot

serem gt kyk gradually disappearing from someone's life... #ea

There will come a time when all of us are dead. All of us. There will come a time when there are no human beings remaining to remember that anyone ever existed or that our species ever did anything. There will be no one left to remember Aristotle or Cleopatra, let alone you. Everything that we did and built and wrote and thought and discovered will be forgotten and all of this will have been for naught. Maybe that time is coming soon and maybe it is millions of years away, but even if we survive the collapse of our sun, we will not survive forever. -john green.


Language: English