

Ask @haloselm

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Menurut kamu, Indonesia yg baik kayak apasih? &gimana sih caranya biar bisa jd kayak gitu? Thx.

pokoknya pengennya kalo suatu hari ditanya sm orang asing "where are you from" trs gue jawab indonesia, they will look at me respectfully. ya krn lagi jaman kampanye, ill say pemerintahannya di benerin, lbh terbuka & cara org berdemokrasi dirubah jgn money oriented atau fame oriented lg lah xixi

Someone in your past who missed you very much

I got the feeling that the one who asked me is only one person lul. You are from my past? We once knew each other, you mean? Either stay in my past or we can just reconnect you know? This is getting creepy lol

Do you miss anyone right now?

not anyone in particular. it feels like i am missing a puzzle piece that would complete my lyf

Loh tapi kelas 8 juga sempet pendek kan....

nope kls 8 panjang all yr long ketuker sm aras kali

Kok gaada pertanyaan2 yg dijawab lagi?

cuz i have a life out there? (lies) (its bcs of some single eyelid guy with a voice like an angel came from above) (i kind need help)


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