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Ask @FayeBoodi

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what do u like \ hate about school days ??

I like math, chemistry, physics and biology classes and finals! w I hate everything else.

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Would you rather Admit that you once commited a horrible crime, do the time in prison, and get on with your life, or never admit it to anyone, live an honest life from then on, and deal with the guilt?

Admit that I committed a crime.

Two or maybe three years it takes for big labels to go out of fashion because everything has an expiry date. 1400 years & the Sunnah is still in fashion. So say "Subhan Allah".

Ma fhamt :c.
Liked by: Princess Shush♥

sometimes anger get the best of us, and we start saying words that would really hurt the feelings of someone close to you or someone you love, after you say it and guilt is eating you inside, how can you convince them that it is not really what you meant to say or do

t depends on what I said or did, how big it is. And it also depends on the person, how close they are..
I'd apologize and say that I was wrong. And maybe say what I was angry about, it usually helps.
Liked by: Noura..


Language: English