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Ask @FayeBoodi

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Please answer. I swear I am not trying to be annoying if that's what you think I am doning. I'm expressing my self honestly. It's so much easier to be honest while you're anonymous, if you know what I mean.

You're not asking me questions. You're saying inappropriate and creepy stuff I don't know how to answer.

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وش تفضلين درلسة الأشعه وﻻ المختبرات الطبيه ؟

أفضل الأشعة.

Your top 5 books you read so far ? ;)

Looking For Alaska
قناديل ملك الجليل
The Fault in Our Stars
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
The Time Traveler's Wife

You're unbelievably attractive. The most beautiful girl alive. I mean it, you're THE MOST GORGEOUS GIRL ALIIIVVVEEEEE!!!! I'd seriously do anything for you. Oh my gosh. I can't even stop looking at your picture saved in my phone!!! You're so beautiful! HEAD TO TOE!!!!! I'd really do anything for you

Thank you, I'm very flattered. May I know who you are? Oh, and please do me a favor and delete the picture, it's a little bit creepy.

وين انقبلتي بالجامعه يارب معي :$ انا انقبلت ادارة اعمال

ما شاء الله مبروك، مين انتي؟

t3rfeen ena el sha59 eli enwald a3ma y7lm ba29waat fa86 walakn la yara fe a7lamh shay , thought of sharing :)

حلوة المعلومة، شكرًا ❤

Fayeeeee i looooveeee yoooouuuuu sooooo muuuuuuuuuch i hope you're enjoying your vacation Babyyyyyy!!!

Thaaaank you I hope you are tooo! ❤ Who are you?


Language: English