
Emerging Ummah

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emergingummah’s Profile PhotoEmerging Ummah
If you do something for humanity but without any platform, support or coverage then Emerging Ummah is the right place for you. By the will of Allah Almighty, we are working on many domains and In Sha Allah in the future we shall explore more. It all depends upon what kind of people join us and what potential do they bring with them. So, become a part of our community and let us unite for the noble cause - humanity! Salam & Peace.
You can contact (WhatsApp) us for more information about EU: +92-345-0741-485.

Kamao aur Khao!

emergingummah’s Profile PhotoEmerging Ummah
"Kamao aur Khao" (Program)
It is hard to support a family on monthly basis forever. That is why Emerging Ummah team tries to educate individuals and families to start a business of their own to become financially independent. We assist them by some amount and share ideas to help them set up a business i.e. chicken related work, vegetable stall or grocery store. Our work is not just to provide monetary help but also guidance and information.
There are many similar cases that we have to cover/entertain. We need your help to make it possible. Please donate whatever you can to help us continue our mission to end poverty and educate minds. In Sha Allah. You can send us your donations via Easypaisa or Jazzcash: +92-345-0741-485. For more information, you can contact us on that number; WhatsApp option is also available. Jazakalah Khair. Salam & Peace.
#KamaoAurKhao #EmergingUmmah

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Kamao aur Khao

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Eid 2020:

emergingummah’s Profile PhotoEmerging Ummah
On this Eid, we have been able to offer three goats as a sacrifice in an area of Quetta, Balochistan. Alhamdulilah. All the meat was distributed by our team amongst the needy families. May Allah Almighty accept our good deeds. Ameen.
One goat was purchased by our team and two were donated to us by a brother in Islam. We have blurred the faces of the receivers because it's not our policy to take benefit of someone's misery or hurt their dignity. Allah-u Akbar! Subhan Allah.
#HumanityOverEverything #EmergingUmmah
Video link: https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=4353692838004246&id=1579770892063135


emergingummah’s Profile PhotoEmerging Ummah
Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) said "One who offers Hajj in his way and doesn't utter obscene things, and doesn't commit sins; will come back (purified) like he was at the time of his birth".
O Allah! Help all those who are going through the difficulties of life, cure all those who are sick and grant them peace and forgiveness. Ya Rab! Protect the innocents and those who ask for Your mercy. May You free our hearts. Ameen.
Some basic living requirements which Hajj teaches us are unity, brotherhood, selflessness and sacrifice. May Allah allow all of us to visit His house and perform Hajj. Ameen. In Sha Allah.
#Hajj2020 #Hajj2k20 #EmergingUmmah #HumanityOverEverything #Islam #Ummah

Prophet Muhammad SAW said One who offers Hajj in his way


emergingummah’s Profile PhotoEmerging Ummah
Assalamu Alaikum!
There is a family from a village in Hyderabad (Sindh) which has requested for our help. They recently got a son and thus the husband had to spend his daily wages on his wife's and child's checkup etc. They want some ration because their income, which is less than 500rs per day, is not being enough to support the family due to these extra expenditures. The least we can do is provide them a ration of one month. In Sha Allah. That's why it's requested to all those who care, to help us by donating anything that you can afford to.
You can send the amount to us via Easypaisa or Jazzcash: +92-345-0741-485. You can also WhatsApp us for more detail about the case.
Assalamu Alaikum

There is a family from a village in Hyderabad Sindh which

Feedback of our session!

emergingummah’s Profile PhotoEmerging Ummah
Sorry for the delay.. ?
As you all know, we conducted an awareness session via Zoom meeting on Mental Health. Alhamdulilah it went successfully. Here is a summary of the feedbacks that we received from the participants. We are overwhelmed by your kind words and support. Jazakalah Khair.
Make sure to join our next sessions and don't forget to invite your friends to our club too. Let's rejoice and say Alhamdulilah for everything good, right, kind and truth! ? Salam and Peace! ❤
Feedback of our session

Eid ul Azha!

emergingummah’s Profile PhotoEmerging Ummah
If you are a student or someone who can't afford to do a Qurbani all on their own then don't worry. You can contribute a segment, whatever you can afford, in our Eid campaign. This is a way how we all can participate and do Qurbani together under the name of Emerging Ummah community. For more information regarding the concept/matter, WhatsApp us at +92-345-0741-485. Salam!
Eid ul Azha


emergingummah’s Profile PhotoEmerging Ummah
Let's grow as one Ummah!
Emerging Ummah is Alhamdulilah working on many domains (charity work, volunteerism and self development projects) at the same time. It all depends upon what kind of work our members like & want to do. Commitment, agreement and management are required to run any project. You can become a part and support our aim to fight poverty, injustice, ignorance and immorality too.
Lets grow as one Ummah

Emerging Ummah is Alhamdulilah working on many domains


emergingummah’s Profile PhotoEmerging Ummah
Amazing News For You All! ?
Emerging Ummah is conducting an awareness session on "Mental Health" this week In Sha Allah on the 18th of July, Saturday, at 8 PM.
Mr.Ahmed Mac, the founder of EU, will be leading as the speaker of our session alongside Mehrukh Zahid who will be hosting it. The session will take place on Zoom platform of 30-40 mins duration.
It's totally FREE OF COST for all those who want to join it as a listener/participant. All you have to do is send your name and city on our WhatsApp number which is mentioned in the poster.
Spread the word about this session amongst your families and friends. This is our support in fighting mental diseases like depression, anxiety and panic attacks. Join and help our mission.
Amazing News For You All 

Emerging Ummah is conducting an awareness session


emergingummah’s Profile PhotoEmerging Ummah
The nomination for "Nobel Peace Prize" and a number of regional awards speak volumes about his dedication to humanitarian work. The founder of the largest ambulance network in the world, Abdul Sattar Edhi, who left this world 4 years ago. Emerging Ummah is paying tribute to honor his services. Everyone is requested to pray for his forgiveness and the peace of his living family.
‏ڈھونڈوگے اگر ملکوں ملکوں، ملنے کے نہیں نایاب ہیں ہم
جو یاد نہ آۓ بھول کے پھر، اے ہم نفسوں وہ خواب ہیں ہم
The nomination for Nobel Peace Prize and a number of regional awards speak


emergingummah’s Profile PhotoEmerging Ummah
Assalamu Alaikum! ?
It's to tell you that our campaign on this Eid In Sha Allah is to offer a sacrifice in the name of Allah Almighty. For this purpose and aim, we have started collecting donations from students and those people who can't afford to take part in such beautiful pleasures all on their own. Every donation matters! You can donate anything you want. Contact us for more information.
Assalamu Alaikum 

Its to tell you that our campaign on this Eid In Sha Allah


emergingummah’s Profile PhotoEmerging Ummah
"Kamao aur Khao" (Program)
It is hard to support a family on monthly basis forever. That is why Emerging Ummah team tries to educate individuals and families to start a business of their own to become financially independent. We assist them by some amount and share ideas to help them set up a business i.e. chicken related work, vegetable stall or grocery store. Our work is not just to provide monetary help but also guidance and information.
Below are the pictures of a grocery store that a person, named Majid, has started. He is located in a village of Kotla Qasim Khan, Gujrat, Punjab. It pleases us when we are able to induce this idea into someone's mind and they start paying heed. Ma Sha Allah. May Allah Almighty add blessings in the good we do. Ameen. That person also tried the sale and purchase of chicken. He made a profit of 500rs in just two days. Ma Sha Allah.
There are many similar cases that we have to cover/entertain. We need your help to make it possible. Please donate whatever you can to help us continue our mission to end poverty and educate minds. In Sha Allah. You can send us your donations via Easypaisa or Jazzcash: +92-345-0741-485. For more information, you can contact us on that number; WhatsApp option is also available. Jazakalah Khair. Salam & Peace.

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Kamao aur Khao Program

It is hard to support a family on monthly basis


emergingummah’s Profile PhotoEmerging Ummah
Alhamdulilah another ration package has been delivered successfully to a family located in Khanewal, Punjab. Jazakalah to all those who donated and supported us. The picture was captured by the recipient family's head. ??
There are many others who have appealed for our financial help. It is thus requested to all the lively hearts to donate whatever they can afford to. You can freely contact us on WhatsApp for any kind of information and detail: +92-345-0741-485.


Language: English