
Emerging Ummah

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Tree Plantation Drive!

emergingummah’s Profile PhotoEmerging Ummah
Assalamu Alaikum! As you all know that the independence day of Pakistan is incoming. That's why our team has decided to do a "plantation drive" to make our country more green. It's an effort and an awareness program to tell everyone the importance of greenery. Trees are like filters of the Earth. They smooth the toxic environmental factors, prevent natural disasters, give us food, are shelters for birds and so much more than we can ever imagine. So, it's our duty to play a little role at least to safeguard our nature. We can start from around. Let's do this! 🌳🌲🇵🇰💚
Be a part of this movement by capturing a photo of yourself while planting at least one tree in your park, lawn or around a known place. Upload it on your social media account like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and tag us in it. We'll share it forward with our audience for better reach and encouragement for others. In Sha Allah. You can also include a message for people who'll see it.
#PlantationDrive #PlantATree #GreenPakistan #EmergingUmmah #FriendlyNature #SaveNature #IndependenceDay #Pakistan #14thAugust

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Tree Plantation Drive

Volunteer for the right cause!

emergingummah’s Profile PhotoEmerging Ummah
Let's volunteer to be a blood donor! 🥰
Be a hero and save lives by donating your blood to those in need. If we want our society to progress and become better, humanity is the only way forward. We have to do the best that we can as human beings to secure harmony.
Register yourself by filling the form via the link below or text your name, city, phone number and blood group at the provided WhatsApp number. Jazakalah Khair. Spread this forward.
#BloodDonor #BloodDonation #SaveLives #EmergingUmmah #HumanityOverEverything
Volunteer for the right cause

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emergingummah’s Profile PhotoEmerging Ummah
Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) said "One who offers Hajj in his way and doesn't utter obscene things, and doesn't commit sins; will come back (purified) like he was at the time of his birth".
O Allah! Help all those who are going through the difficulties of life, cure all those who are sick and grant them peace and forgiveness. Ya Rab! Protect the innocents and those who ask for Your mercy. May You free our hearts. Ameen.
Some basic living requirements which Hajj teaches us are unity, brotherhood, selflessness and sacrifice. May Allah allow all of us to visit His house and perform Hajj. Ameen. In Sha Allah.
#Hajj2021 #Hajj2k21 #EmergingUmmah #HumanityOverEverything #Islam #Ummah

Prophet Muhammad SAW said One who offers Hajj in his way


emergingummah’s Profile PhotoEmerging Ummah
By the grace of Allah Almighty, Emerging Ummah was able to distribute Iftar boxes in Chishtian for 100 people in this Ramadan. May Allah Almighty reward all those who supported this step in any way. May He bless the network of our community. Ameen. We try our best to do the maximum that we can for humanity. As a Muslim, we must play our part as much as we can! 😇
You can also become a part of such good deeds. You can also volunteer. As a human being, you must contribute; if not with us then somewhere else, even on your own. It doesn't matter, the only thing that matters is your part. May Allah allow everyone to do that. Ameen.
#RamadanDrive #RamadanIftar #emergingummah #Ramadan2021 #Ramzan #HumanityOverEverything #Charity #ShareABite
https://youtu.be/rjI4na_c6ikemergingummah’s Video 166863391678 rjI4na_c6ikemergingummah’s Video 166863391678 rjI4na_c6ik


emergingummah’s Profile PhotoEmerging Ummah
By the grace of Allah Almighty, Emerging Ummah was able to set an Iftar in Quetta city for 30 male and 20 female members in this Ramadan. May Allah Almighty reward all those who supported this step in any way. May He bless the network of our community. Ameen. We try our best to do the maximum that we can for humanity. As a Muslim, we must play our part as much as we can! 😇
You can also become a part of such good deeds. You can also volunteer. As a human being, you must contribute; if not with us then somewhere else, even on your own. It doesn't matter, the only thing that matters is your part. May Allah allow everyone to do that. Ameen.
#RamadanDrive #RamadanIftar #emergingummah #Ramadan2021 #Ramzan #HumanityOverEverything #Charity #ShareABite
https://youtu.be/rLFl-YdG470emergingummah’s Video 166800199358 rLFl-YdG470emergingummah’s Video 166800199358 rLFl-YdG470


emergingummah’s Profile PhotoEmerging Ummah
Assalamu Alaikum! 🙂😇
Emerging Ummah is conducting a session "Free Your Soul" the next week In Sha Allah on the 24th of April, Saturday, at 9PM; on Zoom platform.
Mr. Ahmed Mac, the founder of EU, will be acting as the speaker of our session alongside Ms. Amna Chaudhary who will be hosting it. The session will be of 30-40 minutes of duration.
The compact of this session:
• Why we feel caged in this life?
• Why our greed starts growing for wealth?
• How to calm & control ourselves?
• How much should be given in the way of Allah?
It's totally FREE OF COST for all those who want to join it as a listener/participant. All you have to do is send your full-name on our WhatsApp number which is mentioned in the poster.
Spread the word about this session among your families and friends. This is our support and role in guiding and motivating the public against ignorance and mental instability. Join and help our mission. Let's be the Emerging Ummah!

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Assalamu Alaikum 

Emerging Ummah is

Ramadan 2021!

emergingummah’s Profile PhotoEmerging Ummah
Mission = Ramadan Ration Packages 🌙
Target = 15,000rs to 30,000rs 💰
As the Ramadan is approaching, Emerging Ummah team has determined to prepare a minimum of 5-10 ration packages for the poor families. For this, 15 to 30 thousand rupees are required. Everyone should participate in these small efforts as much as they can. All the details and success stories will be shared on our sites. Kindly support our mission. Every contribution matters. Your virtual support is also required.
You can contact us at WhatsApp for more information +92-345-0741-485. Easypaisa and Jazzcash: +92-345-0741-485. Jazakalah Khair.
Ramadan 2021


emergingummah’s Profile PhotoEmerging Ummah
The 3rd wave of Coronavirus has approached Pakistan. Its fatality rate is high. It's up to us now to save ourselves and our families from it. 🙂🤝
Unfortunately, we have stopped following the SOPs strictly. It's a serious matter. Indeed, Allah is the protector. But He has given us a mind to think. He has given us a choice. It's our duty to first do our best to stay safe and then rely on Him as the guardian. That's the real meaning of Tawakkul. Everyone, kindly start taking it seriously and follow the precautionary measures with care:
• Maintain a social distance of 5-7 feet from each other. Do not feel any hesitation in enforcing this.
• Wear a medical mask all the time and keep changing it regularly. Put it on tightly.
• Avoid all kinds of family gatherings and events.
• Don't eat food at public places or outlets.
• Never remove your mask when outside.
• Don't go outside except on urgent grounds.
• Wash or Sanitize your hands all the day.
• Take proper bath after coming back to home.
• Don't invite or entertain guests.
• Stop visiting any friends or family.
• If you feel sick then go for a checkup.
• Quarantine yourself if you are healthy but infected. Use disposable utensils etc.
• Keep in touch with a medical expert.
• If you got infected then don't keep your condition a secret, keep others informed.
• Don't share food or eat jointly in public.
• Don't go to crowded places.
(Tag your friends/family here to advise them!)
#Coronavirus #3rdWave #Pakistan #SOPs

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The 3rd wave of Coronavirus has approached Pakistan Its fatality rate is high


emergingummah’s Profile PhotoEmerging Ummah
Alhamdulilah a ration package and some amount, for medicines and paying the loan, have been successfully handed over to a needy family in Layyah, Punjab. Jazakalah Khair to those who support our mission and make it possible.
You can also become a part of this campaign by either joining us as an official member or by becoming a regular donor. It's our policy to never force anyone to donate. You can contribute whatever and whenever you want to.
For more information, feel free to contact us at our WhatsApp account: +92-345-0741-485.
Alhamdulilah a ration package and some amount for medicines and paying the


emergingummah’s Profile PhotoEmerging Ummah
By the grace of Allah Almighty, Emerging Ummah team was able to purchase jackets for the poor people of Quetta, Balochistan on this winter Alhamdulilah. This is a small role that we could play to support those who are in need. Jazakalah Khair to all those who contributed. Everyone should play their part. You can also support them:
Easypaisa/Jazzcash: +92-345-0741-485.
By the grace of Allah Almighty Emerging Ummah team was able to purchase jackets


emergingummah’s Profile PhotoEmerging Ummah
Few days ago, we received a delivery case from Quetta city in which twenty three thousand rupees were required for the operation. It was reported that the woman had become a widow in the last November and all her family members abandoned her due to a reason; even in laws. We collected the amount somehow but the mother didn't make it. She gave birth to a son who stayed in a critical condition in ICU for almost two days. He is now fine. He became an orphan on his birth.
Everyone is requested to pray for him. A couple has adopted him. May Allah make this life easy for all. Ameen. 💔🥺 His mother's name was Sabiha and his name is Azlan. Ma Sha Allah!
Few days ago we received a delivery case from Quetta city in which twenty three


emergingummah’s Profile PhotoEmerging Ummah
Let's start this year with "Bismillah". It's also Friday today. Let's work on our faith and character. If new year's spirit can sparkle change and optimism then let's use this mark to motivate ourselves to do more good. But always know that fate has nothing to do with calendar as it's man made. Celebrate if you want to, but don't associate mature facts with it. 🙂
Lets start this year with Bismillah Its also Friday today Lets work on


emergingummah’s Profile PhotoEmerging Ummah
Emerging Ummah and Zehri Online teams have determined to work together this winter for a common purpose/aim; to clothe the needy children of Zehri district, Balochistan. 🙂
Everyone is requested to donate for this noble cause. Just like you can't tolerate cold, those orphan and paralyzed children can't handle it too. They don't have proper clothes or anything to tackle the severity of weather. It's our duty to help them. The temperature goes in negative there, many of them live without having any jackets, shoes or blankets. Please participate to the best of your ability. Open your heart for the needy and Allah will open the doors of success for you In Sha Allah. Let's prefer humanity over everything! Every penny matters right now. 🌸 Jazakalah.
Easypaisa/Jazzcash: +92-345-0741-485. For international payments, please contact on the provided number for better assistance.

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Emerging Ummah and Zehri Online teams have determined to work together this

Precautions for women (Freedom Ain't Free)

emergingummah’s Profile PhotoEmerging Ummah
"Freedom Ain't Free" (campaign).
It's time to break silence. There is so much injustice taking place in this world and as a human we must fight it in the best way possible. Therefore, Emerging Ummah team is launching this campaign to play its part as a responsible unit of this society. There are seven main pillars of this campaign. Our first target is to spread awareness and fill in the empty gaps however we can. For now, we shall carry out our duties using the digital platform. We can't allow on our watch to women to face injustice of such extent. May Allah have mercy on every innocent's soul. May His wrath be on the oppressors. Ameen.
Join us in doing something instead of nothing. We have just a try (work) in our hands, the outcome is only by God. Let's do everything that we can to educate people and raise voice against the wrong at this platform - in a unified way. May Allah help us become a beacon of justice against all the wrong. Ameen. A lone wolf can't survive alone for long, but a pack can survive and fight great enemies together. So, let's be united because our goal is same: to live in a peaceful society. In Sha Allah. God helps those who help themselves. Allah doesn't change the condition of those who don't change their condition themselves.
Ambassador: Miss Saira Ashraf
For more details: +92-345-0741-485
#FreedomAintFree #EmergingUmmah
https://youtu.be/4HGddW75Y0Eemergingummah’s Video 164677538238 4HGddW75Y0Eemergingummah’s Video 164677538238 4HGddW75Y0E

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emergingummah’s Video 164677538238 4HGddW75Y0Eemergingummah’s Video 164677538238 4HGddW75Y0E


emergingummah’s Profile PhotoEmerging Ummah
In the cold mornings, you wake up uncomfortably for work/study and then you seek a blanket or immediate warmth, or you light up the thermal heater. But imagine someone sleeping in cold, without having any clothes or food to eat. That's true for millions of people living today, we can't help them all, but we can reach out [to] as many as possible. Emerging Ummah team wants to play its part, even if it's a small one. There are children in our sight (especially in Chishtian) of variable age. We want to deliver them clothes (sweaters, jackets etc) and other necessities. Your support is really required to accomplish this goal. May Allah reward every good deed. Ameen.
We have also a target of 300 meal boxes and some "Kamao Aur Khao" cases to cover (to help people support themselves financially). For more information or any inquiry, WhatsApp (contact) us at: +92-345-0741-485. Jazakalah Khair.
#HumanityOverEverything #EmergingUmmah #WinterCampaign #SupportUs #KamaoAurKhao

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In the cold mornings you wake up uncomfortably for workstudy and then you seek


emergingummah’s Profile PhotoEmerging Ummah
Assalamu Alaikum! There is an elderly person from Khuzdar district Balochistan who needs to have an eye treatment. He is very poor but still has never requested for financial aid. He has always eaten by earning himself, but now his eyes are becoming an obstacle in the path of his livelihood. Another welfare team there has made it possible for him to get a free treatment in Quetta. But we need at least 10K for the expenses of his journey from Zehri city to Quetta. It's a request to all those who care to support this person in any way possible. Every penny counts. May Allah reward those who help His people. Ameen. #HumanityOverEverything
Easypaisa and Jazzcash: +92-345-0741-485.
Assalamu Alaikum There is an elderly person from Khuzdar district Balochistan


emergingummah’s Profile PhotoEmerging Ummah
There is a child from Karachi (Sindh) who needs dialysis twice a week. His both kidneys have failed. His own mother is willing to become the donor. The operation will happen soon In Sha Allah. Alhamdulilah his treatment is being done for free at a charity hospital, but his parents have to travel with him every week for the visit. His father is a daily wager and can't afford the expense to travel. He has requested for financial aid. It's a request to all those who care to support this family in any way possible. If you want to reach them personally then it's also acceptable. Our sole reason is to help them. May Allah Almighty help and guide everyone. Ameen.
Become a source of God's help in someone's life. Do whatever that's possible for you today. You can send us a donation at our Easypaisa and Jazzcash accounts: +92-345-0741-485. Contact us freely at the same number for further information and more detail about the case.

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There is a child from Karachi Sindh who needs dialysis twice a week His both


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