

Ask @cherylwonggg

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Any pick up lines that is new?

Nope, all used up already! I have a tripping one that my friends all hate the most though because i put their lives at risk!

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1) are you a ticket cause you have fine written all over you 2) do you live in a mine cause baby you gold ok these are really bad

HAHAHAHAHHA i like the first one though! But i really grew to like pick up lines and i'm sure you will too! Easiest way to in one way or another express that cheesy side of you!

Older or younger guys? By how much older or younger would you want them to be?

Personally i would want an older guy/same age of course not so much a younger one! between 1 to 3 years!

Do you know any good pick up line?

1) You smell like trash, can i take you out? (MY FAV)
2) Do you have a raisin now? How about a date?
3) Are you a secret? Cause i want to keep you
4) Do you believe in love at first sight? Or should i walk by again
5) Do you have a map? I think i got lost in your eyes

I love you and I just want you to know. - a friend

Helllooooo, thank you! That means a lot to me :) For what's worth, i love you too!

Still waiting for your tattoo blog post :(

got the pictures! will be up this coming week! meanwhile think of more blogpost ideas! :)

No not that. The one with you standing then many other people walking in the background which appear blur.

oh just on the shutter speed for about 3.2 seconds and the person must stand really still. choose a crowded place to get more effect & use a tripod!

hey how d you take those motion blur shots? mind teaching?

the one that looks kinda eye hurting? set the shutter speed to be quite high and keep turning your lens to zoom in and out while spamming the snap button! one of the shots should appear like that

How many piercings do you have?

in the past I had like lip piercing and all that shit but for now I have 9 on my ears!


Language: English