

Ask @cherylwonggg

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Why do you like PR so much?

hmmm as weird as it sounds, it helps me focus shit loads and cheesy as it may be I think PR stuff brings out the best in me?? hahaha so cheesy I know but it's true!

How do you always dress for school

on Wednesdays where I might have to appear on camera I'll dress slightly better the other days are just comfort comfort and more comfort!

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whats the best way to let a guy know you like him but without confessing.....????

best advice I can give is, don't let him know until you're sure he is gonna return the same feelings else you are gonna get yourself into a mess that you have no idea how to clean yourself from. but then again, yolo right - just keep talking to the person/spending tons of time with the person? boys are dumb they don't get shit until
it's in their face! all the best

Hi can I ask do u know. How to do dropdown for blog? I don't know how to handle the html. Too confusing. Thanks.

hi! what is a drop down!

Where are you?

5 hours ago I was probably around tiongbahru area! should be at drips bakery cafe or books actually!

what place did you go for your photography and digital imaging lesson (post dated 26 oct)? really pretty and great shots btw! :D

waterfront park at woodlands!

do you know any cafes that are hiring part timers??

I think I saw kith cafe hiring today! try five and dime and windowsill!


hahahaha my twin in Malay version, always a joy to be around :) luv you xxxxxxx

Hi Cheryl , I'm so glad to have my classmate. NEBER fail to make my Day thank you!

WHO IS YOU *quoting from brin* hahahahaha thanks for your love classmate

What is your favourite day? Why?

For now would be the days i have meetings with the PR team! For this week would be monday, today and saturday, satisfaction when work is done


Language: English