Aida Johanski


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Since you're a crystal ball, are you the crystal ball that featured in 2NE1's I don't care music video? If yes, can I have your autograph? PLEASE

Yep sure what do you want me to sign?

I need some change in my life. Any suggestions on what I can do?

Make some new friends and leave the old you behind

You look like you're wearing black lipstick in your photo. Aiya pretty no matter what

Goth4lyf u will NEVER understand me (loljk thanks love)

i am so skinny but i have fat face and double chins. i feel so insecure )':

Don't be!! There's a reason why the big guy made you that way. (Plus when you're older and if you really can't stand the fats there's always liposuction ;) )

babe do you think i should confess to my crush? i cant take it any longer haha seriously. im a girl anw

Normally I would say "go jer don't scared no fear no rules spitfire" but in this case, NO DON'T DO IT YOU WILL REGRET IT

When you are under stress, do you prefer to be alone or do you seek comfort in friends?

I rant to my mates :-)


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