Aida Johanski


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Have you already had your first kiss? If yes, how did it go? If no, how do you plan it to be like?

dyanhdyt’s Profile PhotoDyan Hidayat
The closest I ever got to a kiss is a peck on the lips hahahahaha

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Hello Aida! I know you said you're not mixed but I watched your old videos (clicked on your channel after the gwiyomi one hur hur) and your hair is brown? Like, the natural shade?

It's called hair dye, babydoll.

You know The Noose is looking for new people? I saw the ad that wanted ppl who can be weird so I thought you could try out as Nicki Minah haha!

Hahaha nicki minah wtf

do you think it'll be messed up if i name my child after a friend lol

Name your child after me and everything will be fine and dandy


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