
Tray Johnson

Ask @Tsurayu

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How long was the longest stream you did?

I went nineteen hours during MM6 before I stopped due to a combination of exhaustion and boredom because I didn't have a lot of people playing with me, but I was one of the newest, if not the newest GameOn streamer at the time, so it was to be expected. XD
I hardly count that one though. So I think my longest was when I beat Uncharted 3 on stream in one sitting, which was about ten-eleven hours. Also one night I played Tales of Phantasia almost two years ago was around the same. Not sure which was longer, I think Uncharted.

You mentioned you want to stream consistently the whole summer why?

Yay! I love questions I have to give more than one word or sentence to answer.
Anyway, basically, I'm wanting to see how far I can take the stream in that amount of time. I know it's crazy, but I'm trying to see how close I can get to the generic Partnership requirements by say the end of September. I know I'll be no where close, as I need x15 times the numbers I have to even be considered with sponsor support from a team, but I'm curious.
Plus, consistency is a good thing to have as a caster as a general rule of thumb regardless of where you want to take your stream.
Ideally I'd like to seem some steady growth, which so far I have. My numbers have essentially doubled since this time last month, which is great. I'd be satisfied having a few dozen active viewers in my channel on a nightly basis. I think that's a fine amount for me, and I think I can make that goal by the end of the summer, we'll see.

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are you only going to play j-rpgs?

No. But mostly.
After I do a planned Persona 4 run starting next week, I will probably take a break from JRPGs to play a western RPG. I would like to do a run of the Mass Effect games, but given the fact that the 360 Slim is portable freakin' oven, and I have no A/C in my house, I will probably fry my 360 and myself in the process during the summer months.
That said, I might go ahead and play it for a few hours in the day, so was thinking maybe doing either Fallout 3 or Fallout New Vegas instead. Suppose I could do Mass Effect, but at only a few hours a night, it'll take me a good chunk of the Summer, and I do want the channel to be primarily JRPGs.

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Are you a baseball fan? :P

Oh... no.
Probably the only worst sport I can think to watch is Golf.

What do you do when you have insomnia?

I usually watch a movie in bed.
Seems that most of the time when I have insomnia, unless I'm sick, it's because I've got too many things running through my head. So, watching a movie allows my mind to concentrate on just one thing as I slowly stop paying attention to it, and drift asleep. Often works.

Will you ever play these sports games you hate so much?

Haha, hate is a bit of a strong word. Then again, I think I used that a few times. XD
I highly doubt it, but I try to never say never with my stream. Nothing is entirely impossible. My tastes always will shift and twist slightly with time and age. So, I won't ever say never to games, at least on a serious note, on my stream.
After all, I already broke a few of those. I said I would never do Call of Duty on my stream, and I have been known to dabble in that game on my stream with a couple of friends. And back when I first started I said I would never stream Minecraft despite being on of the handful of streamers who started that craze on JTV/Twitch.
So, never say never.

Is it more important to love or be loved?

It's not very fulfilling until you can experience both simultaneously.

Can you the caramelldansen dance?

I have actually got a decent portion of the dance memorized. Certainly haven't done it in public. :P

What do teenagers think about?

A lot of frivolous things.
Teenagers think they have the world on their shoulders so early in life. As though school activities, doing homework, and maintaining a social life is the end all-be all of their lives. In hindsight, it's rather annoying listening to teenagers ramble about inconsequential things. But I think I'm old enough to appreciate how trivial teenager worries are, but not old enough to completely ignore their plights.
It wasn't easy being a teenager. You seriously think the world is on your shoulders and there is just too much to handle, but in reality you have to go through that struggle or it will make your adult life, where you do have some real world burdens to deal with, that much harder.

Where do you live Kappa

But I hate the Indy 500 and I hate basketball. Sssh, don't tell anyone, I think that's enough to get me exiled from this state. >.>

Do you feel Nintendo should stop making systems and just make games for other systems?

Yep. That pretty much sums it up.
While the only Nintendo first-party line of games I still readily play is Mario Kart, I'm still more or less okay with all of their franchises.
But as a console manufacturing company I don't understand Nintendo. It's not so much that I think they are doing it wrong, even if I do at times, but I literally don't understand their business strategies.
I think it would be interesting to see them pull a Sega and concentrate only on making games rather than making consoles, but I doubt it will ever happen. For as much as I don't understand them, they are still a very popular company to the masses and have no reason to pull out of the console manufacturing race.

What time do you normally wake up?

Haha... uh... right now it's usually somewhere around two to three in the afternoon. >.>;;

What's your plan to get your community back so we can have more beautiful people to talk with?

Consistency is the key, I think.
I took so many long, extensive breaks. Often without telling anyone, last year, that it is no surprise that everything collapsed. You really have to be a consistent caster to get anywhere in the business.
Other than that, I'm still thinking. XD

hey i ask the question bout hamstar and you not answer here another 1. wat do you think of the caster pretending to be cripple? Bonus question if i ofer u 300 in us money to make me a mod will u do it?

I think everyone made a bigger deal of the situation that what was called for. Controversial as it may be for me to say, ultimately it is the responsibility of the donor to know who and what their money is going to. Yes, he lied and cheated - but ultimately it is the donors' faults. Twitch shouldn't have had to get involved and delete his channel, but somehow it was a violation of their Terms of Service.
Um.. probably not. Would you believe me if I said someone once told me they'd donate $2000 to my stream about a year and a half ago? Guess how that turned out. :P

What scares you?

Uselessness. I hate the idea of not being useful to myself or anyone else my whole life. It's one thing to not be a proactive person, but it's another to just sit and rot away without being able to say one thing for yourself. To not be able to say "Hey, I did this..." That's scary.

I didn't mean if you were going to try the online thing, I meant a lady in Indiana and I understand a relationship over sex, it's a nice perk of one <3. So the question is you interested in a lady in Indiana?

Can't say I'm currently smitten over one or anything. But part of that is I don't get out much. Even when I worked full time, I was often only out of the house for work and errands. I don't go out to hang out with people very often. I prefer my online interactions over going to a bar at night, or something of that nature. Given that, it's a bit hard to meet anyone unless it was someone at work - and that just sounds like a really really bad idea.

How do you know when you're in love?

When you find yourself constantly thinking about someone when they aren't around - when you realize those said feelings aren't familiar or platonic. It often happens when you don't even realize it at first. It grows organically from a friendship into something a bit more each time.
Liked by: Thefinesta✔️

What happens in a day where you don't stream or work?

mmorpger69’s Profile Photozach
Spend most of my time watching anime, talking with a close friend online all evening, or hanging out with my roommate. Nothing terribly adventurous. XD

Do you want to get another girlfriend? Get a little action?

Giving that you said "another" that means you are likely one of my handful of regulars and already know the answer to this question. What you really want to know is "Is Tray ever going to try the online thing again? That crazy bastard." Yes, that commentary at the end, was probably necessary... Anyway, the answer is - I don't know? As for "a little action" would you believe me if I said sex wasn't on the forefront of my mind when it comes to relationship?

What was your favorite subject in school?

Hmm. Probably Economics. But I loved all of the Social Studies courses.

What would your favorite flavor of ice cream be?

Toss up between Cookies and Cream and Mint Chocolate Chip.


Language: English