
Tray Johnson

Ask @Tsurayu

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What kind of underwaer do you have on?

Ha! Joke is on you! I'm not wearing any! *shakes it*
... Er, I mean. Boxers? <.<

so you wanna sell your xbawks?

I'm seriously contemplating it.
There are only a couple of games for the system I would like to keep - Lost Odyssey and Tales of Vesperia. Two games I really enjoy though, but my roommate has a Xbox 360 as well, so if I'm ever feeling really homesick, I can always play for a bit on his.
Generally speaking though, neither the 360 or the foreseeable future of the Xbox One, has much to offer me anymore. I got so sick of shooters, that owning the 360 has slowly become a great waste of time and investment for me, as it makes up 80% of my collection. Otherwise, the handful of good WRPGs I have for the system, can all be played on the PS3 as well.
So yeah, I need the money coming up in the next couple of months, and I'm seriously considering selling it and 30+ games.

Operation Rainfall?

... are you asking me what that is or do I like it?
If you are asking what it is, essentially it's a collection of three unrelated JRPG titles that were on the Wii in Japan. After garnishing huge success there, and with PAL territory releases, a petition was made to release the games in the United States - Operation Rainfall. Looking it up online will probably make more sense than having me try to explain it.
As for do I like them... YES! I adore The Last Story and Xenoblade Chronicles. I have not gotten around to playing Pandora's Tower yet, but I'll get around to acquiring a copy when I can. It's on my Amazon Wishlist if you must know. *wink wink nudge nudge*

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What are some of your favorite JRPG series?

Well, my favorite series would be the Tales of series, followed closely by the Megami Tensei (Persona in particular) series. I suppose I'd round that up to a top three list with Final Fantasy.

What's your biggest fault?

Wow, I did say personal questions on stream as long as they weren't too personal, didn't I?
Uh, I think my biggest fault is I don't know how to give space.
Sometimes people need space, but once we're close friends I tend to have issues giving you space that you need. I'm a very attention driven person - both wanting and giving. The concept that someone needs space is foreign to me.
That ends up leading to another fault of mine, being sorry for everything. Once I realize I'm not giving someone the space they need, and they set me straight, I start feeling really bad about it. I start constantly saying I'm sorry, exacerbating the issue, which sometimes causes me to back off too much so the person thinks I don't care anymore.

Would you say you're a fan of the Kingdom Hearts series, you dislike it, or you neither like nor dislike it?

Yes and no?
I adored Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts 2.
However, I am not fond of the idea of having so many sequels, innerquels, prequels, etc... on multiple different handhelds, so I became disinterested in the series.
However, if the HD remixes manage to cover all of the handheld games, then I will definitely be even more interested in getting those games.

Microsoft, Nintendo, Sony... how'd they do?

To be honest, I've only watched Sony.
Microsoft, I don't know. I'm rather indifferent. I'm not so bothered by the online verification and their blatant violation of the first-sale doctrine. Neither one of those really affects me, I always have access to the internet, and I very rarely have a need to sell or trade in games because I only purchase titles when I'm reasonably assured I'm going to like it, and will play it more than once.
That said, I don't know how they are planning to get away with this. At the very least, they have some major damage control to deal with for the next few months before the console comes out, if not flat out have to change some of their policies. Maybe I'm wrong, and less gamers will be concerned with this once the hype winds down, but I think Microsoft is in for a rude awakening after their first quarter sales report rolls around next February or so.
As for Nintendo, I don't really care. I'm not really interested in any of Nintendo's first party titles anymore, save for Fire Emblem and Mario Kart. I got my Fire Emblem game, and my interest in their Mario Kart titles is waning, so I simply don't care about what's happening with the 3DS right now. And to be frank, the WiiU can go fuck itself.
Sony. I enjoyed. I was rather leery at first, I had stopped enjoying this action and shooter fest last year, and it looked like that's all Microsoft or Sony were going to do. But the announcement of Final Fantasy Versus XIII being rebranded as Final Fantasy XV, as well as the Kingdom Hearts 3 announcement, got me super giddy. X3 Couple that with some decent amount of hype related to The Last of Us and Watchdogs, and I can see myself being a PS4 owner eventually. Probably sometime late next year, depending on when FFXV is released.
Overall it was my least and most favorite E3, if that makes since. As a whole, it was terrible, but Sony's conference is probably my favorite conference over the last several years.

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Hi! Favorite RPG with an in-depth explanation why you choose it over others?

Oh dear, plethora of long questions tonight.
Well, I think my all time favorite RPG would be Tales of the Abyss.
Game has excellent characterization (even if Luke is grating at the beginning), excellent gameplay, and a really good story that is driven by internal politics and religion - but actually makes it interesting and relevant!

If one could, hypothetically, get P3 FES for $20, would it be a wise decision?

I would certainly jump on it.. if I didn't already own the game.
Persona 3 is a really good title as well, some would even say more enjoyable than Persona 4.

Why are you part of two teams and what are the benefits of the teams?

I'm on two teams because it just kind of happened.
Around this time last year, I left the Twitch team division of Yeousch because their gaming trends weren't really my style, and the way the team operated was for their own financial gain, and not to help promote the streamers who were essentially free labor to them.
Anyway, not long after (last Summer) I was doing a long stent of playing Mario Kart with my friend and Moderator Hamstar138. Eventually I was getting a lot of viewers from Variety TV because xxandymanxx was doing Mario Kart Sundays. Eventually, he approached me about joining Variety TV, and after I talked to their leader, Apperation, I decided to join.
GameOn on the other hand was all my doing. I have been watching Swift's channels since he first hit it off with GTAIV, I had already dreamed about being part of GameOn, and eventually I decided to try to become one of their broadcasters, and I did this last October.
As for benefits, it's mostly for cross-promotion. You help "spread the word" about your teams, and likewise you'll get new followers spread across the network that helps everyone in said team.

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Any tips for a new streamer to be like you?

Ha, to be a bumbling idiot like me is a gift really, it's not something everyone is cut out to be. :P
But, no, seriously, not much other than you have to be someone who interacts with your chat. It's the most important part of being a streamer, but unfortunately it's a fundamental fact many people don't seem to understand. People won't come just to watch you silently play a game.

Are you Frag in disguise? Do you want two big channels if you are Frag? Do you like the PS, One or WU? How do you spend your days?

Yes. I am Matthew McKnight. I am working to make the Tsurayu account as popular as my mine account so I can make twice teh Twitch munnies. Kappa.
I'm looking forward to the PS4 given my initial hype from the E3 presentation, but once that dies down we'll have to see how interested I continue to be. As for the Xbox One and WiiU, I'm not really interested in either one of those.
Right now, my days are spent mostly around streaming, talking to friends and menial chores around the house. Need a job. -_-

What ever happened to that Bo guy he's never there any more he was pretty cool

Not sure what happened to Nick.
I'm assuming he's probably off having fun during the summer like a lot of us did back in high school. Well... except me. :P
Liked by: Nick Lopez

hi i saw you play large little planet and heard girls you ever think of dating them? i think there names are bunnystar and koko

I'm assuming you're talking about my mods. Yeah, I know, I have a lot of female mods. Swear that was unintentional. :P
As for dating any of them, no. I am not.

YuxYu? <3

Though I will always have a special place in my heart... and in my bed... for Yosuke. :P

If you could go back in time to talk to yourself, what would you say?

Grow thicker skin.
While it wasn't glorious, I quit my job at Wal-mart because I couldn't take the pressure from the management always pushing my stock times just a few weeks after being hired because it was a training store.
I took the easy way out and quit because I knew it wasn't imperative that I had a job, but it was dumb. It was a good job, if slightly stressful, I worked 32-40 hours a week, certainly wasn't going to lose my job to anyone but myself. I threw a very stable job away because I panicked.

what happened to hamstar?

She's busy.
She is doing a project that will keep her busy off and on during most of the summer months.
Plus right now that crazy girl has a "normal" sleep schedule so she is asleep through at least part of the stream, so I have no one to cheat off of in LBP right now. T_T

Wait. So you want to be a Partner?

Yes and no.
A few weeks after I first started streaming nearly two years ago, once I figured out this was something I wanted to make as a major hobby as opposed to a one time deal, I decided I was gonna make Partner by that next year!
Well, obviously things didn't turn out to well. The JTV Producer program diminished and became irrelevant once Twitch opened, and I saw my numbers plummet from the seventies to the single digits. It was then I realized I was trying to base myself around a bunch of bored lurkers who happened upon the Producer page. Once that was gone, I was left with only my core audience, which wasn't much. It was heartbreaking at first, but it just made me realize I was only caring about the numbers rather than the viewers themselves.
Couple that with a huge several month hiatus I had this time last year, it's been a struggle to grow my community, but slowly but surely. I am certainly nowhere near Partner status, but my desires for that have pretty much gone by the wayside.
That's not to say that if I should ever happen upon the general number requirement, I wouldn't seek some sponsorship help from the GameOn team as a whole, or other casters, and try my luck at applying, but it is no longer what I streaming for like I was when I first started. Should it happen, that would be cool, but in all likelihood it won't and I'm cool with that, too.

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Do you recommend Persona 3 to a newbie rpger?

Persona 3 is probably one of the better Persona games for beginners to play. Persona 4 is a bit more stringent, especially in the beginning. Not giving you much time to learn or grind before serious consequences are thrust upon you. Persona 3 is much more forgiving on the time limit.
I don't know if I'd call it a good game for a newbie to JRPGs as a whole, but as far as the Megami Tensei games are concerned, Persona is the easiest of the sub-series, and Persona 3 is arguably the easiest of the Persona games.

Should strawberry milk be enjoyed with or without a straw?

Strawberry milk is entirely nasty and shouldn't be ingested by anyone.
That said, without the straw. That way you can gag/force yourself to drink it as quickly as possible.

anything you regret saying on straem?

I suppose, but anything I regret too much, I wouldn't want to say on here either.
Basically I'm not afraid to voice my opinions about my fellow casters. We all have our opinions of each other for better or worse, but I'm not against voicing my discontent on my stream. I avoid naming names, but I worry sometimes I make it obvious who I'm talking about.
I don't think I'm wrong to have my opinions, but I should keep more of them to myself.


Language: English