

Ask @The8BitMonkey

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What was your worst subject in school?

Sports, English, Science, French...take your pick really lol
Basically the only classes I was any good at where IT, Art & Design Technology :)

How much time per day do you spend on the internet?

80% of my waking hours are online, I need to get more of a life lol

How many times a day do you eat?

Not as much as I probably should...but Mikachi makes sure I eat when she's around my place

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Will you attend minecon this year?

Sadly it doesn't look like I'll be able to afford it, but me and Mikachi may visit London for the day to meet anyone that wants to meet up.

If you knew you had one day to live, how would you spend it?

Likely making a butt load of videos so that you guys had something to watch while I'm dead :)

Can you name your top 5 best times for 2014

Hmmm good question....
1. Getting to meet so many awesome people at insomnia gaming festival.
2. Being able to pass on my passion for gaming and games design to students in Margate.
3. Reaching 5,000 subscribers...and the fact I'm almost at 10,000
4. All my amazing subscribers pooling together to help me return to YouTube and help keep my business going with so many generous donations for the new PC
5. Learning coding and making NY first ever game...which will be coming out in 2015 :)

What is the most important thing you have learned in life?

Celebrate the happy times, they're the memories that will stay with you

If you could go back in time to talk to yourself, what would you say?

The winning numbers for the Euro Millions are 41, 11, 19, 01, 06, 32 :)
And start YouTube when your in University as it will make it easier to focus on it :)

What is your favorite month of the year?

December because of Xmas and it means my Birthday is only a month away :)

What kind of transportation do you use most often?

My legs...took me a while to master them but I would say I'm pretty much an expert now :P

Why does Origin suck?

Because they refuse to listen to the users, they think they're right and everyone else is wrong.

Why are you so cool?

Because the heating if off in the house XD
But really I didn't know I was considered "cool" so I don't know, but thanks :)

on a scail of 1 to 100 how muxch do u cuss in real life

1 being not at all and 100 being every other word....67, I use it in day to day conversation but that's just that way a lot of people over here talk, like "I f**king love that jacket, I'm going to b***dy buy it".

Do you like Family Guy?

Yeah I love family guy and American Dad, Futurama, Simpsons and Cleveland Show (before it was canceled)

How did you change the model of your skin and how did you get jeb on your world

To change the player model I modded the game to add the feature Jeb is working on....and to add Jeb I just loaded up a second instance of the game with the user name jeb_, hope that helps.


Language: English