

Ask @The8BitMonkey

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Where is the funniest place you have ever fallen asleep?

Wouldn't say funniest but I did fall asleep at a bus stop, woke up to my bus pass gone and my shoe on the floor.

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What do you believe happens to us after we die?

You get put in the ground and over time become one with the planet and animal....as for your memories and experiences, they live on in the people you've touched in your life and the stories they have of you.

do you have a po box or email for Fan Art

I don't have a POBox sadly (cost you much) but anyone can send anything they like to The8BitInbox@Gmail.com

What is the major problem in your city?

The Chavs that walk the streets and on occasion knife people...someone take me away from all this please :)

Favorite all time movie that makes you laugh

Do standups count because if they do then anything by Jimmy Carr or Ross Noddle "sweet sweet piggy titties"

What is the strangest dream you've ever had?

Giant Vampire Butterflies were attacking me, then buzz lightyear jumped out of the shadows and stopped them with a lightsabor that changed into an electrified butterfly net.

What *would* be the best present you've ever received?

Hard question hmmm, would have to say when my folks took me and my sister to Disneyland for Xmas, was so amazing.


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