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hey i'd love to see more mods that are active, i think tricksters and kurloz would be really, really good mods (if they're up for it). tricksters is pretty level headed and kurloz isn't afraid to tell people what they need to know/does it nicely idk just suggesting thingsssss

I'm sorry, I'm not interested in hiring at the moment. uwu<3

What should I do if I won a RU 2 months ago but still haven't gotten it? & I PMed the artist about it once politely about a month ago but they read it and never replied? ^^; I don't really mind waiting much, I'm really just curious as to what's going on and I want to make sure it wasn't forgotten..

Feel free to PM them again and ask about the situation! ;o; <3

Heyhey what if someone is guilt tripping you subtly through jms and stuff? Like say you beat them in a contest and they respond with silence or seem to give you a cold shoulder? What do? //crieshelp me chAR

Kurlozsplumies’s Profile Photodanny
aaa idk? ;AA; there isn't really much I can do if all they're doing is not talking to you much ;//^//;

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Well... for as big as the plumie community is, I personally think we could use more active mods, I've seen some reliable users around the community and all xDD

Mods deal with a lot of business via PM uwu<3

There are several contests that have been 'judging' for over a month and it must suck for people entering. Could mods contact artists if judging goes on for too long? [eg. 204]

Contest participants can PM artists. Just remember, it doesn't just suck for you guys, the stress and difficulty of judging is hard on us too.
Liked by: sooshy

I think that perhaps if there's going to a little event over chatzys/join mes there should be a heads up before hand. c: Just so people know ahead of time to be prepared.

That is a good idea; I'll keep it in mind ^^
Of course, then people would complain about their schedule not letting them notice the heads up, but oh well xD can't please everyone.

How do you pronounce Plumerian?

You can pronounce it however you want, but I pronounce it "ploo-mare-ee-in" basically x'D
(Also I realize some of these answers seem kinda snippy; it's not my intent! Don't be afraid, im not mad qvq just usually answering from my phone - which I'm probably not supposed to be on xD - so I just have to try to quickly get the point across without much time to proofread for tone! ♥)

May I ask, can there be less live stream customs? It's kind of unfair to a lot of the community, since most of us have busy lives and to come home to see that someone that just has a looser schedule/more common time zone is a bit disappointing. plus, in the rules that customs are for staff only

There were only two, total, ever. One of which was from a chatzy, not a stream. And they were semi-customs. Customs are available as special prizes; would you like me to remove the custom box from events so they stay staff-only? :/ They were given out in the summer raffle and I was planning to give them out again in future events. Not everyone can participate in everything; such is life. There are plenty of other opportunities to get lovely plumies and even customs, regardless of your schedule!

do livestreams count as advertisement if we're doing free art after finishing up our own art?

Nope! Just don't repost the same stream more than once.

May I make a request? c: I'd love to see more nonowner/one Plumie owner contests. A lot of people who don't own a Plumie/own one would like to participate more in the community. c: I think it's also a good way to expand the community. <3

This is a place for questions, not suggestions, sorry! I know our artists make nonowner plumies pretty frequently anyways, though I personally don't especially like them, for plumies I design at least.

how soon do you think GAs will be open again?

It all depends on when the flow of plumies slows down & when our current GAs finish up.

what can I do to improve on my form for judges? I get a lot of honorable mentions but never quite winning. (in other words, what are the best things judges like to see in peoples forms)

This account is for questions about the species/rules. Form advice would be better found on the fanclub. <3

Plumerian is just a cover-up name; we both know it. The actual name is Featherbutts, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Not even yourself.

Shhhh xD

Okay so could a plumerain lose a feather on their face? Because in the appearance it says ". Feathers *do not* grow back if they are lost, but it is very unusual for a Plumerian to lose their feathers, as they're quite firmly attached. " Ive been wondering this because in the design the {continue}

It's really rare for a plumie to lose a feather, feather edits are only allowed on special plumies like the 100s. So no, sorry ;o;

Where did the name plumerians come from? ouo

Plume = feather, and the rest, idk xD Just messing around to find something that sounded good I guess?

But staff could just leave the nitty-gritty to be answered by you? I mean, you're not always on, and other staff may be available to answer when you can't.

I'm on at least twice a day, I think that's plenty. ^^

Is it possible to get twins from the nursery?

Of course! Just read through the front page or check out the Chester x Phasian babies! <:

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