

Ask @PlumerianQuestions

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Will you ever judge the bell kiddo and the Friday the 13th plumies? It's been a while, I understand you have other things in life, so don't be mad c:

Yeah, I'm sorry for the wait! I just got finished with finals and out of school for the summer so I'm doing my best to get stuff done.

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Can nursery plumes inherit traits from their grandparents?

Possibly design traits, yes, but they wouldn't roll for edits from their grandparents.

i don't really get the whole plumie "items" thing, how do i get them? do they cost pets/c$?

Items can be won through events. :>

When do you consider doing RUs, if you do?

Usually when it's a high-effort competition that I have a really hard time narrowing down from a top few! (And when I know I have the time and inspiration to make nice RUs for them, of course.)

Out of curiosity will there be a slot raise anytime soon? It's been a year since the last one, and I feel there are many older members who take good care of their plumes who would love the opportunity to try out for/own another.

I don't think there will be; the slot limit is pretty high right now, and extra-slot tickets may become more available in the near future, and while there are many people with full slots, there are also a LOT of nonowners who still can't win any. Suddenly letting all those people back into the competitions when they've already managed to win half-a-dozen or so plumes would greatly decrease nonowners' chances.

Just a small note ... I [and a few others] feel like a staff litter was really unfair as this event should have been something the entire community could participate in to celebrate the anniversary ... but older community members or people with full slots in general are left out on the side lines ..

Well, that's why I had a bunch of different options for the anniversary event; I put a poll up so we could go with what the community preferred instead of just my opinion. I didn't intend to leave anyone out -- just did what would include the most peoples' wishes as possible. I'm sorry you feel that way, though! (And don't worry -- there'll be plenty more events in the future that aren't adopt-based, so anyone can participate).

Sorry if this sounds rude but why are there no simple contests? I'm not saying fcfs, those are never fair bc of the popularity, but nonowner contests that aren't all "Impress me's", "write 500 words", or "draw fantastic art". Not everyone is talented, and the nonowner event still hasn't been judged.

Hmm, that's a good point! I'll try to do some more simplistic nonowner comps; I do tend more towards impress-mes and longer ones.
As far as the nonowner event goes, Syra is really busy right now irl, but we're doing our best to get it figured out!

Can two plumies breed even if they aren't mates?

Only if you have a DNA-mixer or some other special item.

What's up with the boring staff plumie palate? There's not much room for creativity? I'm sure some really enjoy it, I'm just not a huge fan of all the brown (Not trying to sound so rude :U)

Sorry you feel that way! I just went with what most of the staff chat preferred. I do already have next year's semi-planned, though, and there isn't any brown in it, if that's any consolation!

I won a plume from a readopt, but I've asked the artist and provided proof, but still haven't been added to the ref. What should I do?

If you PM me, I'll see what I can do. :>

Would we be allowed to use items on the plumie anniversary batch? And if so, can we have the edit be a different color than the colors already used?

Yes, you would be able to do that!

Not to sound impatient or anything, I know finals are on/coming up, but do know when you'll be doing the staff plumie batch? ;u;

The cover is going to be put up this afternoon, since today's the anniversary! ^^
Liked by: aeiou.

so if an adopt is released on child lines on the main thread the child can still be grown after the proper wait time, right? or are they considered pps?

Yes, as long as they don't have PPS that's fine! It'll be written on their ref if they're PPS. :>

How do you get items? Do you win them, or do you buy them? If you buy them, where are the prices located?

Items are won through events. :>

I'm curious as to how the artist comp will be judged.Will it be based on what you/other judges like,or based on which are most popular/which ones the community likes more?

It will be judged based on design quality/creativity, and who seems like they could make high quality and unique designs as an artist. :> The community's interests will be taken into account, but I won't go purely on what's the most popular, since that often depends more on the popularity of the designer than actual quality of the design.

I understand the worry about people secretly paying for items ... but isn't there the same problem with the gifting of Plumes as well?

That's true to some extent, but generally it's more of a big deal to gift a Plumerian, so it's easier to keep track of and notice if they're being 'traded' or involved in suspicious gifting. That and they're gifted much less frequently than items might be, so again, they're easier to keep track of. That is a good point, though!

Will item gifting (not even trading) ever be allowed?

I wouldn't mind allowing it in theory, but I'd worry that people would claim to 'gift' when they were actually being given payment (pets, $$, art, etc) in return for the 'gift'. I would need some way to regulate it more strictly to ensure it was actually gifting, and I don't have a realistic way to do so. :<

Question! What if you gift your Plumie to someone [you're close to] and they use an item on them (like special shampoo or PPS remover) and gift them back. Would that be against the rules or just looked down at? Because I can see how it could probably get out of hand if people were begging others.

Purposefully "trading" a Plumerian around to use items on it would probably be pretty easily noticeable, and wouldn't be allowed.

Would you consider selling items for plumies? Also, can people gift/sell their items if they know they'll never use them?

No, items are purely free!
For the moment, gifting/trading/selling items isn't allowed, because it'd be hard to keep track of and I'm afraid it'd be abused. My advice would be not to try out for/claim an item if you know you won't use it!

Sorry this is probably a stupid question, but do you know how to make a separate ref for a twin plumerian? o3o

If you go through each layer and erase the other twin's lineart/color/etc, that should work! Then you can merge their lineart/color/etc layers and move their separate ref around.

current plumes and put a lot of work into them then it should be okay to get an extra slot. I love the species and my current plumerians and it kinda sucks that i have this amazing idea for another character for plumes but i cant use it

This is a really neat idea, but unfortunately I think it would be very hard to regulate and judge. (what counts as "putting a lot of work in"? how would you quantify that?) For the moment, the best thing to do is keep an eye on your slots and only go for plumes you really connect with, plus there's always the possibility to win more slots in events.

I think it would be really cool if we could earn extra slots? I feel like slots are usually used to minimize needless hording and trade fodder. but as you can't trade plumes that's not an issue. it would be really cool if we could do so many tasks and show a predetermined amount of love to our 1/2



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