
Katelyn Beaulieu

Ask @OMandKatelyn

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I can do them, I think there fun to do

They are! When I was younger my cousins and I used to have contests for who could do the most haha

what gymnastic moves can you do?

the only ones I can think of that I can do are, summersalt, backbend, cartwheel and handstand...
Liked by: amanda

Would you rather burp extremely loudly every thirty seconds or let out a smell, long-lasting fart every five minutes?

burps don't smell so i'd go with that
Liked by: amanda

If you were starving would you rather eat a plate full of poop or a human foot?

ewwww poop! so I guess a human foot, it'd taste like chicken right?

Would you rather be a vampire who could turn into a bat or be a ghost who could only posses appliances?

Vampire so I could fly!

Would you rather have your fingers become hotdogs forever or have your tears be relatively acidic?

haha well my fingers would be food and thats pretty cool.. but i'd end up eating them so my tears be acidic
Liked by: amanda

You're one of the biggest bitches I have ever met. All you do is start drama, fuck guys and party. Grow the fuck up.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA cause you know this describes me SO much... Maybe try again some other time.
Liked by: Jamie Grenon amanda


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