
Katelyn Beaulieu

Ask @OMandKatelyn

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Who the fuck cares if she remembers the number, I'm pretty sure half the fucking world does

Hahaha exactly! It's like the easiest number to remember

How was your birthday? What did u do? Happy belated birthday too

Thank youuu!! And it was pretty fun! Monday night I spent it at my friends camp and same with yesterday then went and hung out with a few friends and spent the night with family :)
Liked by: Emily

Who was the people in your snapchat stories? And what were you doing..?

HAHAHAHAH Kristen, Cody, brad, Alex and I think sachhi? Idk but I don't even remember what they were doing....

Whats one thing you hate about ask

That almost every single question that people ask me are "pap of texts" like no


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