
J Hum

Ask @Johumphr

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Are you confident you will be accepted to med school?

No. I can't even think about it because it makes my anxiety levels go up, lol. Med school is just so competitive, and I see so many students with amazing GPAs and MCATs and great extracurricular being denied acceptance. It scares me so much.

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How hard is college compared to hs?

Well it depends where you go to high school. If you go to a rigorous high school (like the preparatory schools), college will only be a small step in difficulty. But for the general public high school student, it's typically a good bit harder. The thing with college is that no one is requiring you go to class, so many first semester freshmen don't, because they think they will be fine if they just study the powerpoints posted online. You will learn quickly that that's not going to work. In college, you have to understand concepts, not memorize powerpoints. Exams test you on your understanding of these concepts, not on how well you can memorize definitions. Exams don't ask you to regurgitate the notes you took in class, they ask you to use the knowledge you've learned in class to answer thought-provoking questions. College is completely doable if you're willing to put in the time and effort. But most people aren't, and that's what separates the successful from the unsuccessful.

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Liked by: Cody

Could you describe your perfect guy?

Smart, but not know-it-all. Hot. Good body. Attractive. Educated. Polite. Hot. Kind. Would fit in at a country club. Hot. In a fraternity. Masculine (preferably bisexual). Really hot. Good family. Well-mannered. Really, really hot. Good in bed. Confident. HOT. Slightly cocky. Motivated. And so, so very hot. Did I mention he has to be hot?

What grades in hs do you have to have to be a doctor.

Your high school grades don't matter. Medical schools will look at your college GPA. But they also look at MCAT, extracurricular, research, volunteer hours, and clinical hours. And there's no set formula for acceptance. If there were, my life would be a lot easier haha

What do you want to specialize in medicine?

I want to be a surgeon. Not sure what kind yet, but as long as I can cut into people, I'll be happy.
Liked by: Cody

Do you like J. Mclaughlin?

Yeah I do. We have one in Charlotte which is nice. It's a little over priced though

What high school(s) did u go to. I remember in one of your videos you said u went to Andover for half a semester or something

No, I went to a few different high schools though due to issues with social anxiety

I work at Banana Republic and wondered if you like their menswear?

Banana Republic isn't really my style, although I like their chinos

Do you like Robert Pattinson?

No. In fact I find him particularly unattractive. And the fact that he THINKS he's attractive makes him uglier to me


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