
J Hum

Ask @Johumphr

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What kind of surgeon were your grandfather and uncles?

Grandfather was a cardiothoracic surgeon (and he, ironically, died of heart disease). One of my uncles is a plastic surgeon, and the other is a trauma surgeon.

What do your parents do for a living and would you want to do that same thing when you're older?

My mother owns a software consulting business, and my dad was an engineer but worked in high-level corporate management for Tyco when he retired. And no, I am following my grandfather's, and two uncles' career paths: I want to be a surgeon! Haha

I miss your fashion vlogs :(

Haha they were style vlogs, not fashion vlogs. :P haha I don't know a thing about fashion. But yeah I want to start making videos again after this summer when I'm done with the MCAT!

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What were the Clark's shoes in your Atlanta haul called for both of them

I don't remember, and I don't still have the boxes, sorry! :(

Are you going to swing that dick for me later?

Um probably not because I've no idea who this is

Why do white people like Jimmy Buffet?

You'd have to ask a different white person. I don't get it either

In response to your thoughts on why gays are obsessed with sugar daddies: Well unlike you, some of us didn't have a consistent, supportive fatherly role model in our lives. And also, we don't have daddy's credit card to pay for all our expenses. You have it so good white boy

Wait, so you're endorsing golddiggery?
Liked by: South trampa

how are you single? gosh you are so cute :)

aw haha...I'm just very, very picky. I'd rather die alone than settle


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