єzєkiєℓ ♤ [military]


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I don't think we've ever spoken before but people liked your singing answer and omg you have a lovely voice, it's beautiful :') let's ignore the fact i didn't understand the lyrics; for all i know you could've been exorcising demons beautifully ^-^ ~

invincibility’s Profile PhotoTifa
Hahaha, oh my aren't you "Ti"? :3 Thank you so much though! I should be exorcising demons right now 'u'

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out of all bst's of guys you have the most smallest LF items.. i see ppl asking for vt an bb paws..... but you... yours is just simply mr mole items

Lmfao is that you, Pat? I remember you saying this to me once. Though it's because I know for a fact I would never achieve those items altogether, so I'm just going to finish my sloth and angler collection :']


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