

Ask @Dioudlol

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you look like a serious person

it depend :) Im serious in a working environnement, either way, im kinda funny (i hope at least lol)

Fnatic qui joue toujours ou quasiment la même team t'en pense quoi ? moi jme dit que t'en que ça marche let's go mais le public veut peut être de la diversité ^^

Quand on a trouvé le puits de pétrole, c'est con de creuser à côté

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how did you discovered league of legends?

A friend of mine told me this game gonna be the next big game after WoW. He told me to play. Annnnnd here we are ^^

Pourquoi quand quelqu'un pose une ward devant nous on est obligé de la hit ? x) on sait qu'on pourra pas la kill mais pourtant on s'efforce de mettre ce coup dessus lol

Pour prendre moins de temps pour la clean quand tu iras utiliser ta lens dessus, tout simplement. Dans certaines situations, ca peut faire la difference

When did you start playing League? And which role did you start playing? :D

I start playing back in the beta and i was playing Annie and TF mid ONLY :D

hey bosta :D i like your playlist on stream. i found many songs and bands and you show us a little of french music, it's new and kinda cool; but anyway here's a question for today: you have one favorite band or singer?

I dont have a favorite one but i listen a lot of John Butler

why u dont play with lulu? she is the best :D

Depend of the situation. She's not good enough to creat opportunities

i love being a support and do the job "in the dark" but i think people dont realize how important we are in the game. do u agree?

I guess :D

why you enjoy be a support instead another lanes?

I like the do the job "in the dark". You have to do as much as possible with almost nothing ^^

it's kinda scary because ~MISTERY~; okay, that's a question for today: what type of music you like? (i just thought this because you post Britney)

I like everykind of music. I dont listen Britney tho, its just because she say : "Oops i did it again" in it. That fit my post. Lately i listen Chillstep, dubstep, techno, hardstyle etc.

You are studying portuguese? if yes, what words you know at now? excluding bad words of course.

Im learning slowely but surely. I know the basics like: Por Fovor, Obrigado, Bom Dia, Boa Noite, Parabens etc

i'll make one question/day here to you and on cblol i'll tell you who i am first: what's your favorite color?

Thats kinda scary tho ! Blue !

Yo Dioud, wassup. Really liking your performances with paiN, keep up with the good job! Could you tell us more about Gamers2 if it's not embarassing/uncomfortable to talk about? Do you think they can make it to EU LCS? How was your relationship with Ocelote/teammates? Thanks for the attention! :D

They wont make it to LCS for sure, they cant even get to Coke League now. I wont talk about the rest tho
Liked by: Doly


Language: English