
Russell Cheek

Ask @SSRunts

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Who do you like? Describe the person.

A girl. Long hair. about 5'5-5'8. Nice eyes. If you want more come off anon. :P

Why do you always seem so down or angry or frustrated?

In reality I am a happy person, but it just seems like nobody cares about what I want. Like nobody cares what I want or have planned for the future. Like in the end I am not as important as someone else.

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Why is there air?

For the same reason why everything else in this world is here. Because once upon a time someone decided that it was needed. Whether that someone was God or the environment speaking.

What is the world's best song to dance to?

I don't dance much, but if I had to say one it would probably be "Raise Your Weapon" by deadmau5

Do you like smoking

Dafuq. Only retarded people smoke. So no I don't like smoking. I have never smoked in my life.

hottest girl u know

Hot? Well I guess girls do get hot. It is summer time, but I don't know who could possibly be the hottest...

ever had a gf ?

Legitimately? No. But back in elementary school I had a couple. (doesn't count though)

What advice would you give a person coming to live in your country?

Get ready for the craziness of 'murica.

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?

I don't talk on the phone much, but it was my mom.

Language: English