
Graham Miranda

Ask @grahammiranda13

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Which word do you want everyone to stop using?

Cool. Ask them anything and their like cool. I mean how is "how is your rash?" "Cool"???

What do you do when you are alone in your room?

LOL. Do you really want to know WHAT I DO WHEN I AM ALONE? I mean I could not answer without it being eww

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You are soo beautiful. Never change who you are. Not in a creepy way at all. Your awesome :)

Thank you. I'm flattered. Not creeped out at all. Your amazing as well. Have a great day! :)

If you could have any wild animal as a pet what would it be?

Jellyfish does it count? I love Lions and pretty much all animals. Definitely snakes.

What is your idea of paradise?

10Tbps Internet. Rent free everything. Girls, iOS 88 (yes, eighty-eight), Bed (to sleep on! You dirty mind) and Me in all of it

What can spoil your day?

That red light on my Wifi Router telling me "Shit Internet is down. Please don't throw me. noooooooooo I tried my best I swear"/

What do you believe happens to us after we die?

We go to ask.fm and we have to answer all our answers. Come on. I don't know.


Language: English