
Arind | gadget enthusiast

Ask @arindrakuntoputra

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Ka bikin pake sketch up kaya si kitchen set,lemari, dll gitu bikin manual ka? bagi tipa dong ka gmn bikinnya ya ?

waduh kamu mending youtube deh, terus gua ngasih tips gimana lewat ginian

om klo DI prospeknya bagus ga si? buat gajinya sendiri gimana om hehe

saya bukan lulusan DI kok, baca profil saya. DI bukan gaji. tapi project. kec km dihire sama perusahaan interior. kalo saya bikin perusahaan interior sendiri. begitu say.
Liked by: Fathi Nurimaniah

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Ka mau tanya nih aku kan jurusan ipa terus ngambil kuliahnya jurusan ipa lagi tapi aku minat ngedesain2 gitu. Bisa ga sih kalo jadi interior desaigner dari semua jurusan? Makasih ka: )

bisa, dik saya saja lulusan unpad sastra inggris hahaha
Liked by: Amira Sofa

Hahaha belum duduq udah ditawarin nanti makannya gimana tuch? Intinya ramah dan cepet yha. Makasih mas Arind. Have a great day.

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iya a, hahaha anehnya yang makan disana, kalau udh selesai makan, langsung cabut gak pake lama a, jadi pas udh mesen nih ya gak khawatir gak dapet tempat duduk hahaha
Liked by: icaltext

oh, so an interior designer can work by him/herself as the only interior designer? also when the interior designer is done sketching the design, will s/he needs the approval of the architect before presenting it to the client? I'm also the one who ask you earlier hehehb

make it simple dear, when you hired by someone or someone that give you project need bla bla bla such as approval from the architect, you must give your client that requires. and you need to know your field as the interior designer.
Liked by: Fathi Nurimaniah

Hi! I'm curious, can a self employed Interior designer can be hired in a Hotel project? if so, Will the employer let the Designer to work by themselves or will the employer hire more designers that will be joined later on to his/her team?

depends on you as the designer when you were sigining a contract with the employer which means you boss "or the man that give you a project". is that ok with you when the other designer sitting next to you?, or you will be more comfortable work by your self and your team.
Liked by: Fathi Nurimaniah


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