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Hi Asmaa....how was your weekend ?

KRM101’s Profile PhotoiKRM
Heyy! It was great. I went to my friend's birthday party it was crazyy...u know that feeling when you've been under pressure for a long time due to exams and all u're doing is studying that it starts affecting ur social life and then in a night u just let it all out at once, yep thats exactly how i felt like that day? and the very next day I just stayed home and studied?? one laast exam is left??
Hbu how was ur weekend??
Liked by: iKRM

Why dont u answer my question?!!

I have like over 900 questions, I tried to delete some more lol which one was your question :x

I know you're thinking of bae Aka me because I can't sleep either ✋?

Hahaha ofcc u're the straw to my berry u're thee cheese to my pizza u is my meri jan (have I said that right??)??
Liked by: iKRM

Dude come to school for me on Sunday. Ms Sabahat called us and I'm crying since I found out ? come give me company

I'm coming anywayyys for physics lol for doubts and shiz ugh

Why aren't u asleep yet?

I'm thinking of bae...jkkk jk wallahzim? I napped today so yeah no sleepp, sleeep is 4 the weak ✌?️✌?

If you were given the chance to sky dive, would you do it?

HELL YEAH! Aslan I'm waiting for my 18th in few months so that Imm admissible to sky dive here in Dubai.✌?️

What’s the best decision you ever made?

I think that'd be getting rid off the negative people from my life and letting go off people that added nothing extra but maybe have hurted me so yeah, I'm really glad I'm not attached to them anymore.
Liked by: iKRM

What kind of vacations do you like?

Road trips where I can just chill at the back of the bus/car listen to music and observe the nature..no destination, no expectations, no preconceived limitations.
Liked by: iKRM


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