
Windi Wuisan

Ask @windiwuisan

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Cc warna ijo gmana cranya? Ak pngin wrna fashion juga

di bleaching dulu syg. terus kamu warna aja gonta ganti serah kamu.

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Ceeee gmana dwp ce? Pingin prgi taon depannn

hari pertama : suka❤️ soalnya emang aku suka garrix. dan venue'nya belum seberapa rame sih
hari kedua : biasa. too crowded
i'm not a person who like to join rave party before, but i'm definitely not going for next year. well, if garrix, zedd or alesso come again maybe i will think about it. but, i feel like some people don't really understand the concept of rave party. i mean like, this is not a club. don't drink or using drugs until collapsed. you supposed to enjoy the live music. and i hate it when people smoking in the crowd and disturbing others with their smoke and even some of us got burned cause of their cigarette. i feel like some people just reckless and stupid. so no, don't go if you only want to feel like you're so "anak gaul", go because you like the dj or the music.
Ceeee gmana dwp ce Pingin prgi taon depannn

Do you believe in fate?

yes i do. i believe that God will give His people a good fate. its just, He put some struggle in our life to test up our faith.

Mending cowomu playboy atau perokok?

perokok aja. asal jangan banyak-banyak rokok'nya dan gak ngerokok di depanku.

Ce mnrt cc cowo ini dah dket ma aq tp in the end he doesnt fulfill his promise and leave me.the thing is,we dont date yet,but i like him already

2 words, easy to tell, hard to do : move on. as time goes by, you will realize that not all of the things are meant for you. sometimes God takes what you think is good and He will replaced it with what you actually need.

Thoughts on haterss??

the bad things you heard about me might be true. but remember the things you heard about me maybe from boys who can't get me or girls who can't be me :)
Liked by: Jennifer Nathalie

dapet bunga dr sapa cc :p :p

diaaa hanya diaa di duniaku.. dia hanya dia di mataku.. *efek nonton sammy tadi malam*
dapet bunga dr sapa cc p p

Windi sebutkan kemiripan baymax dengan mantan2 kamu

kamu kok buat aku ketawa malam-malam sih :(
mantan pertama : sama-sama gundek
mantan kedua : sama-sama bodoh
mantan ketiga : gak mirip. baymax putih, dia hitam :(


Language: English