

Ask @Vibrantfloral

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How long approximately does it take for an order to be ready?

It depends on how much you're ordering and whether I have a lot of orders to finish. I usually make them when theres an order and they are all not ready stocks :)

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Where did you get the beads? they're so nice!

My mum travels around and since shes in the fashion industry, she have great taste too! They are mostly from Taiwan :)

Heyyy,when are the new designs coming? :) i would love to buy them soon! :D

In few hours! Finishing up the post before I travel. Don't forget to order! ;)

When are the new designs coming? I'm so excited! :DD

I'm done with them and all I have to do now is take pictures of it! :)

Do you really love flowers? Haha!

You have no idea. I go crazy everytime I see flowers! Most of my clothes are floral prints too :/

Hopin u will reduce the price but you've got nice stuffs. x

Heyy! Thank you! And yes, I will try to reduce the price :)

hey . can you check ur junk mail ?

I've replied all my mails and i hope I replied yours too :) let me know alrights?

have you received my mail: christie.lyt@gmail.com? :)

Yes, I did! I just found it :) It was in the junk mail. I will measure clothes for you!

You used to come to my school. You don't really know me but I love your stuffs and you're beyond gorgeous! You're so imaginative and creative I lovee itt!

I'm guessing you're from cempaka cheras? Naww.. Thank you so much! THIS made my day. Really.

hey. you really do love flowers huh? haha.

My god. You have no idea how I am obsessed with flowers! They are just so pretty. I love spring but its summer everyday here :(

I love your bg pattern! Can you upload the actual pic of it? :)

Haha! You're so adorable. And of courseee!

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