

Ask @trishgoh

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Everyone ducking hates you! Do the world a favor and fuck off

firstly you cant even spell fucking secondly dont send hate via your iPhone, it auto corrects fucking to ducking thirdly dont tell me what to do fourthly get the fuck back into your mum's uterus

Hehe but I'm only twelve..are you sure you'll be my friend? XD XD heh I live near blossomvale further down like kinda near bin tonnng

haha yeah sure we can. wheres bin tonnng. near the traintracks?

what is portagram? the films look so pretty!

it's a company that print photos from your instagram ~~

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lol hi trish, I live near your neighbourhood Hehe the other side of pep pizza xDD

who are you!! we need to be friends. nobody i know lives in my area:(

who is guys???? that need to keep their hands off wayne? LOL eva getting jealous AH wah so cool is sit

boo you whore, need to stop flirting with wayne and being all over him(;

thoughts on eva

very cute with wayne.
guys hands off wayne, staph flirting with him lolololol eva wouldnt be very happy

thoughts on caitlin

needs to stop hitting on wayne because his girlfriend is getting abit jealous HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

thoughts on brian chang

funny and we online shop together
whoops this reminded me that i was suppose to call you back on skype :3

thoughts on mekal

steakhouse is quite awesome
ps:you just sent me about 20 thoughts btw
pss:i'm not answering all


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