

Ask @thebluest

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Who is your best friend for the moment and why?

Sabrina - we've been the closest since we were 11. We know a lot about one another and I couldn't imagine my life without her.

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why do those who want love get tears?

Because they aren't open to getting anything else besides love, so they're disappointed easily.

Post something that you want to share or say ? ?

I feel like CS isn't as active as it was when I first joined in 2012. There used to be thousands of people on at once, a thread never went more than 2 minutes without someone new posting. I still enjoy the site but it definitely has slowed down a bit.

What do you think about parents who presents their childrens on the Internet (Facebook, Instagram, ...)?

I think it depends. If your facebook post setting is friends-only and your instagram is private and you only accept friends & family - it's fine.
But if you have public pages, I don't think you should be posting photos of your kids online. That opens the door to a lot of problems (whether it be creeps, people making rude comments, making fun of the kid, etc). I don't think it's right to post something 100% publicly where you have no idea who is actually seeing the photos.

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