
Teenagers With Experience

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If i was self harming, how can i tell my parents?

Be very truthful and don't do it until you feel comfortable. If your constantly wearing lots of wristbands and things to cover them up they might catch on. It's best to tell them as they might be worried and want you to see a doctor. If they confront you about it, don't lie it can only make it worse. Always remember, stay happy ♡
- Ash
Liked by: Emily Taylor

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Have you ever dealt with depression, and how can you try to overcome it?

Try and go to a doctor about it and if you get diagnosed as depressed you'll most likely get pills, for some people they work and for some they don't but just remember that you are at a low point in your life and you can only go up from now. Be happy and live life!
Liked by: Emily Taylor

How can i apply to twe?

On our Facebook and Website,we have a survey that you can fill out and our admissions team will look at and get back to you ASAP xxx
Liked by: Emily Taylor

How do you stop a bully from picking on you?

I have always walked away and told my friends as they sometimes can help more than teachers.However if it is severe please tell a member of staff.xx Never hit first as you will get in trouble more xx
Liked by: Emily Taylor

Language: English