
Your next Girlfriend.♥

Ask @sweetgaby69

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But she has a facebook and everything. She uploaded many pictures. I'm just saying she looks like you, she ain't fake trust me !

UniQueTV’s Profile PhotoTesticle Clamp
She has uploaded 5 pictures + she made her facebook on 22nd March , just like her profile. ;)
I can give links to my pics which i have uploaded. ;)

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i just wanted to tell you that their like 100 of guys after you and that there's one who's cute and hot (no i don't like like him he's my cousin) and he thinks you're beautiful and amazing and he isn't a pervert. so try to know who he is ;)

oh god! ;d
How can i know who is he,if you just said that there are like 100 guys after me. ;)

it depends on their question but don't you like some guy just from their pic on ask. if he's hot or if he's cute..? well guys have that too maybe a bit more but that doesn't mean they wanna fuck you all over.. okay some but there are guys who likes you and wants to be friend with you

I always answer questions first , and only then look at picture. ;)
Is there some boy who got repulse from me?
If it so,give his link and i`ll make he as my friend.

no you say: aw thank you to a compliment but that's it and everytime they try to make you smile by giving compliments you just respond aw thank you or something and it's kinde stupid cos he likes you a lot.

I always smile at those compliments , because it means a lot for me.
What else do i need to answer? I ♥ U? - i don`t want to lie to them.
Okay,say what do i need to answer them?


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