
Aqeela Ali

Ask @straycat

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Longest you ever slept? & How long do you usually sleep?

Probably 12-15 hours?
I usually take an afternoon nap that could take from 2-5 hours now that I work in addition to sleeping at night
When I don't work I usually sleep from 6 to 9 hours~

I felt the need to ship GUN to an E-girls member. Any thoughts on who would be a perfect match for the ship?

I've seen people shipping him with Reina~
They look okay, I guess
but at the same time I kinda wanna ship him with Queen Shizuka coz:
- They have the exact same birthdate
- She's exactly one year older than him which I think is cute X3
and no at the same time coz:
- He's not worthy (we're talking Queen Shizuka here)
- Yeah he's not worthy~
So idk~~~
Liked by: L•I•N•K

Would you ever move to America given the chance?

I'd love to move to any country where I'm granted basic human rights~

how long have you went without eating food? excluding water of course.

A day maybe? Like, when fasting in Ramadan~
I don't think I can last more than that OTL

What are your plans for today?

I'll be doing the usual recording for my fellow fans and uhhh that's pretty much it XD
Oh, Dream's new music video will be out in like, 7 hours so I'll be staying up for that too~
Liked by: omar ahmed

what was a-nation ?

a is short for avex
it's a yearly series of festivals in which artists (mostly signed/associated with avex) perform in~


Language: English