

Ask @Soulgee

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Do you have the replay of your koukou no sousei hddtfl?

No but it should be on my yiutube somewhere

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I always thought you made another account to download beatmaps from :> Bloodcat is an alternative

i know about bloodcat but if he wants me to try a map and tell him what I think then he can send me a working download link.
also no any account i did that with would still get banned... who does that lol

is hidden worth learning if I dislike playing with it? also how the hell did you manage to go from 73% to A on this? http://puu.sh/awtpo/a5e82d43c8.jpg

Cookiezi hated the shit out of hidden. Take from that what you will.
And this really cool thing called hard work and practice, you should try it

How would the world be different if everybody was vegetarian?

Humans would have never advancee technologically

Does it matter if I stream xzxzxzxzxxzx? Will it make much of a difference? If yes how do i learn how to do it properly

Well you pressed x twice which means your middle finger locked up. This happens to me still, just keep practicing and it will eventually go away.

Also should I practice more on the lower bpms(142 and 150)? I can consistently get 85-87% accuracy on them and 600 ish combo or should I move on and practice 160

I would say you should be able to get at least 97%

wait, so should I aim a map with bad accuracy or should or aim to get good accuracy but maybe break 1 or 2 times?

Aim to get good accuracy as well as not getting tired during the play. I can fc 172 back to back for an hour before I get tired, but 178 is difficult to fc once without feeling tired. So I play mostly 178 and 185

While learning how to stream, it good for me too glance over my hiterror at the bottom to adjust my finger speed while streaming?

I do it on slow long streams, it is up to you whether it works or not

wake up unable to stream 160 go to bed streaming 220 wake up unable to stream 160 go to bed streaming 220 my life

This is my life except a lot of the time I get slower each day

Do you rest your hand or hover when streaming?

i rest but i haven't spent much time trying to hover it so i might do better that way, dno

Hi soulg, i'm trying to learn how to stream properly do I just have to spam the 142bpm stream practice map until I get 85%~ accuracy and move on to the next one? I'm not sure what I should do

You just need to practice. Keep playing streamy maps at the bpm that you struggle with, but can still stream instead of mash (this is by far the most important thing). You will improve rapidly until you hit a wall, which is different for everybody. Just keep consistent practice, make sure that you're not mashing, and practice practice practice.
Liked by: Kato


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