

Ask @sarahceni

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you know in a car there is that leather bit on the gear stick have you ever put your barefeet on it?

huh? i don't think so?

What's your favorite curse word?

To be polite, I have to say that I hate cusswords. And I actually mean it when talking out loud, but I have to admit I cuss in my head a lot, and my word of preference would be "pinches" wich, of course, is in spanish.

well sarah, good luck with the crazy americans and their crazy ways, i actually have to find the reason for this..... its bugging the hell outta me.... hell i'll even un-anon myself so you can laugh at me :D

JokerJack91’s Profile PhotoJack Hopkins
It bugs me too. And welcome!
Liked by: Jack Hopkins

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What is your favorite item of your closet?

That's a hard one, it's like asking a mother to pick out her favorite child.

if you had two giant condoms would you use them as stockings before putting on high heels?

this is inappropriate in sooo many levels

they use fahrenheit? wow.... i mean.... i dont know what i mean, im just stunned now....

It is even more confusing when you have to get used to it...

Would you consider yourself a hipster?

Not exactly hipster, more like original. I'm still a little confused on that 'hipster' term, but I'm not afraid to be different or stand out.

oh well least i know now that americans seem to be the ONLY country in the world who refer to it as soccer.... anyway thanks :)

As they're the only ones that use inches/feet/miles, Fahrenheit, lbs, and all that other crazy stuff. Anytime!

Have you ever dream of being married and living in Mexico?

Yes and no. I definitely want to go get married. And I also want to go back to Mexico, but I am a true believer of fate and whatever happens, happens. I will go with the flow. If I end up marrying an American, then fine, I can live here. But it just depends. I think about this a lot.

as someone from england, i'd like you to explain why american 'football' is called this.... i've never seen them use their feet for more than one kick, whilst our football (your soccer) we use our feet all the time...... so why are these things i just said?

To be completely honest, I have no idea. Where I come from (Mexico) Soccer is called football, and American football is called that. I basically trained myself to call it soccer just to not get them confused, but it is really weird. I totally agree with you, though

Whats the best eye color?

I can never decide between green or blue. I wish I had green eyes, but I like both colors in anybody else.

Gluten free cupcakes>>

I reaaaaally like to bake, but I don't actually like to eat cake. I'll make you anytime!


Language: English