
s a b r i n a

Ask @Sabrinaisnotonfire

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Do you remember your first friend?

yessss. She's like 18 now and she lives in Florida and I haven't seen her in ages but I love her to death

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What's your biggest fear?

open bodies of water.
Actually deep water really freaks me out like even in pools, if I can't touch, I'll have a panic attack.

Which is your favorite song?

oh gosh uhm.
Settle - the 1975
Let's dance to joy division - the wombats
Harlem - new politics
West coast - the neighborhood
Ain't gotta work - hoodie Allen
18 (acoustic) - anarbor
5 years - tonight alive
Bad - the cab

What are your favorite subjects to talk about?

Music. Or your dreams. Or what you plan to do when you leave home. If you wanna travel places. What movies you like. Past experiences. Good times. Bad times. I love talking.

Why do some people enjoy life and others don’t?

some people think positive but some people think negatively. That's the key I think. I've learned that if you look on the bright side as often as possible, or all the time for that matter, you'll be a happier person.

Where do the happiest people live?

they could live anywhere man. If you're happy on the side of the road then wow so be it. If you're happy in a big house in a fancy neighborhood, good for you. Happiness can be found everywhere.

If you could visit the past or the future, which would you choose and where would you go?

The future. Because I wanna know if everything turns out right.

Where is the funniest place you have ever fallen asleep?

well in 2011, I went to Florida with baylie for a week and I slept in the closet BC it was small and cozy and I had a big huge blanket so it was great


Language: English