
Josh pezzulo

Ask @Pezzulo19

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Im really horny ... And your hot af .... Show me some pleasure please . :)

Lmao who are you :-|

So im kinda wet right now, can i have your number? Lol this is no jke...

There many different websites for you

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What doy uo prefer hand or blow? Can you answer this seriously? Immature!

I like blow dryers they do help my hands get dry

Fuck me not your girlfriend. WAIT no letz hav a thresome!

I think I'll jut stick with her thanks though

Scrub? Hahahahahahahah funny. All you do is complain about how someone is telling you something you don't want to be told. So either stop complaining and take the hate or keep the account

Feel good bitch nigga to bad you can't say it to my face pussy

Maybe if you want people to leave you alone, delete your account. Otherwise, don't complain.

Well maybe assholes like you should fuck off and actually do something with you life you fcking scrub

Why do you tell every girl the same EXACT thing. If someone is like "if you and your gf will break up blah blah", you ALWAYS reply "that won't happen". To every damn girl. Or you say "I already have a amazing gf".

Wow good job and why does it matter to you?

why dnt yu stick up for ur gf when some1 talks crap? they call her fat. stick up for her.

I do stick up for her and even if i dident she can take it she knows shes beautiful so that doesent bother her


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